Sagittarius Rising: Native is usually on the heavier side. Scorpio Degree = Anything black, Crimson, burgundy, maroon. What is the opposite of angles and corners? What about for the people around me? Powerful and Frustrating! Every Scorpio Rising Ive encountered always liked interesting music not usually mainstream. It also helps if you have a favorable planet conjunct your Midheaven. when a sagittarius placement finds someone that makes them feel this way, theyre never letting go, loyal as ever. She has the auspicious Part of Fortune conjunct her Midheaven. -Venus/jupiter/neptune conjuct sun or moon. They tend to be very physically alluring and overall internally attractive because of their balance nature and love for aesthetics. If Lillith is in the same element of your moon/rising this can make you very defensive in your opinions. , Could have strong minds! They just want someone that will understand them. Is the way we are looking at life now truly aligning to how we feel? SUMMARY OF THIS POST - THE TENTH HOUSE AND HOW PEOPLE WOULD REACT/THINK TO/OF YOU IF YOU WERE FAMOUS. They tend to love having goals to make them feel structured and they could have more of the Masculine Venusian traits. When are going to use it to say, hey, I dont want to see this for myself. youthful eyes. . They are prone to fame because of their charm and what is seen as structured natured. They tend to love the idea of being nurturing and caring but they have the tendency to express Astartes war side as being passive aggressive, they may hold grudges. Yet, I feel like I need a change. You all love to break rules, but you all will kill somebody if your own boundaries are closed. Having a strong 11th house talks about being well-known and popular, so many celebrities have this stellium. They tend to like darker aesthetics. Capricorn = Anything dark green, brown, black, dark grey. earth mars and water mars are good together. With strong intution they let themselves be guided by. Person can at times seem as very careless and reckless. , May have been afraid to express themselves when they are younger, but they need to learn how to be confident in their own ideas and express them in this lifetime. I need to be stricter about my image. This can manifest as them sending you a gift, etc. Libras major placements tend to always be able to find friends easily. -So I was thinking of the 12 signs and how it evolves from Aries to Pisces, and I thought I do this cute little post! The 7th house rules open enemies so they attract a lot of jealousy quite easily because of their attractive nature. but a lot of people with this placements suffer from a lot of intrusive thoughts. According to Stojanovics theory, 5 degrees suggests short-term celebrity, 17 degrees signifies long-term fame, and 29 degrees signifies fame that extends beyond death. Link to the first part will be at the bottom of this post. Jupiter Dominants= Abundance, Happiness, Wisdom, Money. Chart ruler in a positive aspect to 11th or 10th house ruler - if these are well-placed in regards to each other, the person usually becomes successful or famous. Keep the questions sensible . Person is usually very physically alluring and easily draws people in and people may offer themselves to them but people are also very intimidated of them. Sagittarius Moons arent unfaithful once they settle down, however they rarely do settle down theyre very picky with their partners but do like to have fun & chase. They tend to be very troublemaking they couldve hurt themselves a bit in the process, pisces placements / 12th house placements tend to hide their true talents at first, so when they open up on what they like to truly do everyone is like wow what? They could be very protective over the mother. Sensitive to everything these people react quickly. Planet conjunct Midheaven - Midheaven is another important thing to look at in regards of fame. Ive noticed capricorn moon tend to have a daddy kink. Person has deep connection to music and should listen to their intution & it could come from music and the power of the mind. A lot of Aries Placements Ive met are very argumentative and they dont realize this but they can be very aggressive and stubborn in arguements yet they think theyre winning. Leo mercuries type of communication is attention grabbing. There are many different aspects in the birth chart, that can indicate fame. I like it, but I feel like Im too harsh with it. Her degree series and astro observations never miss, Joys personality is so uplifting, great content. The least people pleaser placement. -Follow me on the socials and feel free to tip at $DellyRelly! I am thinking of village in the sense that people who mainly live off the land. Scorpio risings are very charming individuals. Capricorn Moon/ Scorpio Mars know someones true intentions so quickly. If you have chiron in retrograde im so sorry, you all neglected your pain in a past life & have to deal with strong pain very young. Part 2 will be out tomorrow. You can become fixated on daydreaming or being obsessed with the future. PLEASE DO NOT REPOST OR STEAL MY WORK!! Astrological Degrees and Fixed Stars. I feel like bringing more depth to the table . That is why I think Libra degrees can also represent fashion and/or fashion shows. They tend to take a loving in interesting that stimulate their mind and that tends to be intellectual abilities. , ^Speaking of expressing ideas, this native may like to take their time and think before they speak. DO NOT REWORD OR REPOST OR PLAGIARIZE THANK YOU I WILL KNOW. I am back with another series! These natives tend to take a loving on knowledge and their intelligence tends to be something very admirable and they tend to be very open- minded and free-spirited individuals. Im tired of it. Please. Good mix of astro and tarot tips. Astarte in the 7th house tends to prioritize relationships / partnerships quite often as it brings them joy. A: I answer them whenever I have time so it could be days or weeks after the actual game, usually days after when Im in a comfortable spot. Do feel free to tip at $tladytalks if you do enjoy my content, as I do work hard to make this kind of content. So check your chart to see if you see this theory as well! They will want to motivate their kid to the best potentional even if this comes out aggresively. Looking at their masterlist helps a lot! Astarte in Libra / Astarte in 7th house: Astarte in the 7th house tends to prioritize relationships / partnerships quite often as it brings them joy. They tend to be stuck to their ideas a lot and tend to be very authoritative about their own belongings and could be somewhat. Astrology Notes: Indicators of Fame and Success MC and Moon conjunct, and Venus and Ascendant conjunct are both excellent indicators in a natal birthchart for fame and success. They tend to be fiercely loyal but only to things they love they do not care about the superficial and wants to dig deeper. DEGREES OF ASTROLOGY + CLAUDES THOUGHTS (Part 1) . Q: How do you make your Astrology observations? The fifth degree of any planet is the most widely known degree of any sign or planet and carries the energy of Leo. Ive noticed a lot of people are attracted to people who have their moon sign as their venus. The sign of Leo is typically included somewhere in the chart of those who become famous, and Leo rules the theatre and the entertainment business in general. taurus in 3rd can indicate someone who people may think are slow in learning & maybe even dumb. You can always show love through tips at my cashapp: $DellyRelly! - What stood out to me first is the Moon-NN conjunction. Their sexual appeal could be a bit hidden at first but it tends to be very perfect in other people eyes, they tend to have very fit / healthy bodies. person may have unique catch phrases and humor. This degree also deals with earrings, which is funny because I have 5 piercings in my ears. They tend to be very protective over their loved ones. Another infamous degree of assassinations. . (Press / click here) (Code is 672). I have never met a Libra in my personal life that was lacking in the aesthetics department, at least clothing wise. TAURUS RISING: Usually heart shaped face. Responsible. Im definitely definitely someone who is private when she feels like shes being put into the spotlight. In my opinion, since this degree represents the purest energy of a sign/planet, Ive deduced that people with this degree in multiple planets can possibly rub others the wrong way because of how much they can (possibly) embody the sign/planet of whatever this degree is over. they wanna find their other part that makes their inner child happy. They will go on on their path unbothered. I need to get serious, I need to get right. Taurus sun/ moon/ rising are not lazy people? It can go really good or really bad., You know being the emotional support is nice, or was nice at first. Since it will be conjunct the Node and being eclipses are powerful energetically, this could be a time of understanding what do we truly want. People can easily agree with them. Uranus influence - Uranus rules fame, so having it positively influencing someones chart points to fame. ( at least at one point). If. Its important they learn to be more assertive. Your action oriented. When vengeful they are not scared of exposing people who need exposing and tend to use their reputation as an advantage and people tend to be intimidated by their power over people. Dont ask them too many questions though, it shows you dont trust them. This is the infamous diabolical degree. Nikola mentions and references patterns of evil that has occurred on the. Not as active anymore but I miss her content a lot. People who have planets or points* at 2 wield supreme power and are well-positioned to make remarkable achievements, according to research work done by Serbian astrologer Nikola Stojanovic. ex; shooting games (like cod). Pisces RISING: Person is usually shorter or of average height. Astarte in Capricorn/ Astarte in 10th house: These natives at times tend to shut down their Venusian traits a bit and they tend to focus a lot on career & their future. But lets talk about our good ole friend Saturn first. Venus in 12th pay attention to your dreams; you may have some insights on a future partner etc. Sagittarius plcements may have liked driving games or games whered they have to move around quite often. Do not repost, plagiarize, reword. Note: The mathematical points of a chart include the . , May not want to have children, or may have children later on in life. She is connected to fertility, sexuality, war. Fuck it ! Major Water Placements tend to be attracted the unknown, they would love to talk about this constantly. Pisces moons get addicted to things EASILY. Yall have fun being social out there., You know Im used to people not liking me for whatever reason, maybe because I dont give myself away to others. (Disclaimer: They are nowhere near the length of my paid readings these are just intuitive exchanges that can very from being short to medium length! leo venuses tend to be very well liked & popular. They can feel as they are being attacked. Person is very sympathetic and loving, its important they learn to protect themselves. 2 of Supreme Power. individuals and even if they have a lot of friends they dont need anybody and people shouldnt forget that and they will use that to their advantage to cut off things they dont deserve. ARIES/MARS IN THE TENTH HOUSE there'd be much people who would perceive you as competition. Person is independent and does not seek validation. Aries Placements are probably the parent a lot of kids want. Venus , Jupiter, Sun, Rahu and to some extent Mars plays very important role in creativity or giving artistic talent to native . The emphasized characteristics of a sign/planet. While they tend to be seen as open- minded and they are, they tend to become very stubborn when crossed and savvy and hard to win arguments because they tend to charm it off easily as if it wasnt that serious, nonetheless they are very kind individuals and love upgrading themselves and tend to focus on the brighter parts of life for relief. Okay I know that many dont associate Aquarius with intuition, but lets be honest. Every Single Capricorn placement women Ive met had a big bootey, is there an explanation behind this? 12 of Capricorn: Their relationship with their siblings may be good but their siblings could be over-protective over them and somewhat authoritative. And they posted good aesthetic posts too. (Placements not just sun) (synastry). Sun in 8th are very secretive individuals. Ive noticed earth signs like to go on walks a lot. Cancer Major Placements (women) tend to be very desired by men. People tend to be attracted to their speculative way of expressing themselves a lot of people may want to dig deep into them so its important they establish healthy boundaries. It is also the planet of slowness, so dont feel bad if you feel like some of the things described here you havent mastered yet. However, do not ask questions about me personally but ask questions about my blog and anything about it! Our website services, content and products are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. What fulfills us? Things will be easy for her. Uranus touching the ascendant (or uranus in 1st) can make someone radiate a lot of aquarian energy. Even if its just a random joke at a random time. These natives at times tend to shut down their Venusian traits a bit and they tend to focus a lot on career & their future. Need to learn how to have F.U.N. May give off aquarius vibes. Who knew being a cool, chill person can attract such messy people?????? Libra Risings are always very attractive and we always hear this but they dont have to be PHYSICALLY attractive they just have this charm, its crazy. She will always be lucky regarding her career and her reputation. NN is the point that we should aspire to in this lifetime, and we may feel that intense push of how can I get to where I need to be? Their sexual appeal could be a bit hidden at first but it tends to be very perfect in other people eyes, they tend to have very fit / healthy bodies. Plus, my thoughts that are going to be in red. ), Rahu Planet Combinations:, Rahu in The Houses: This can sometimes manifest in an unwanted way, it can be negative attention or the person doesnt really enjoy it. I think its hard to get a, in 3rd can indicate someone who people may think are , what it is theyre learning. Pisces placements may be attracted to Sagittarius placements. When am I gonna go out there and let people know I am that bitch? And my optimism has been my detriment these past few years. Ive noticed a lot of jupiter dominants like to start astrology blogs like these. Virgo Placements tend to suffer from some sort of addictions wether this is pornographity & excessive phone usage etc. Sagittarius mars or any prominent sagittarius placement may fantasize about having sex in foreign or exotic places. They tend to have a liking for darker and mysterious activities and tend to be very private individuals when it comes to what they do and who they are inside. Resilient cc <3 Their art was amazing. Leo Venuses are bold usually but when they have a crush they turn a little shy, usually theyll show you if they want you. Asking for someone trying to understand synastry astrology. Locality. Looking at their masterlist helps a lot! They tend to be very spiritual and could be a witch. Uranus in 12th most likely has very strange dreams. - Side Note: Yes, this is going to affect everyone differently. there could be some arguments about you, you might feel like you have to explain yourself all the time. Prone to diabetes. If there is aspects to Venus her effect is much more prominent and sensual. They tend to have very beautiful and. Like bizarre. fame & wealth degrees INDIVIDUAL DEGREES 1 8 OTHER DEGREE INFO the best degrees to have in each planet (numerology) why you may not relate to 0 planets 18 is not the degree of misfortune 22 is not a murder degree 29 the karmic/anaretic degree MISCELLANEOUS how degrees can predict things that happen throughout your life (scroll down) If you have leo in your big three and capricorn in your big three youre most likely business oriented. May be a conservative spender. red will represent my personal thoughts about the degrees in astrology. 5, 17, and 29 are known as the degrees of fame, or Leo degrees. These Avatar degrees are 15 Leo, Taurus, Scorpio, and Aquarius. at times when it comes to things they value. Your youth is shown by Ascendant (your birth, early life, outlook on life), 2nd house (formation of your values) and 12th house (your hopes, dreams and emotions). but only to things they love they do not care about the superficial and wants to dig deeper. They could be very protective over the mother. leo degrees; the 5, the 17 and the 29. 1. Taurus has refined aesthetic skills and an admiration for finer things in life. They tend to be rebellious and emotionally intelligent, its important to let their emotions out in a creative way. Beyonc is a Virgo, and an artist known for her utmost attention to detail. Can have a caramel complexion & broad shoulders. They tend to have curvaceous bodies and watery eyes and if they are a woman they tend to have very beautiful breasts. People tend to love their creative side and they to have all sorts of talents in the creative realm. They tend to love having goals to make them feel structured and they could have more of the Masculine Venusian traits. . Ill come back tomorrow and finish it up! The smaller the orb, the better. Readings are open. . The dynamic could have been that the native could have had more responsibility towards their siblings (almost like a parental figure) rather than just being a sibling. I also love the wlw reblogs as well <3, Astro I feel like I got a lot of basics from. Stevie Wonder (Taurus Sun), Kandi Burruss (Taurus Sun), Otis Redding (claimed as a Taurus moon & Venus dominant), Lizzo (Taurus Sun), Chris Brown( Taurus Sun. Not really just wanted to note it. (Saturn = restrictions, 3H= siblings). This person when they see something they go get it, especially when it involves money / inheritance. New content on YouTube also coming soon! When are we going to understand that having spiritual willpower is great, but we can also use it to (plus the knowledge of Mercury) to push ourselves into achieving our life purpose? having a 5 does signify an individual having short-term fame or it could give a kin admiration from a large scale at a young age. Astarte in the 5th house will make the native very creative and joyful and they tend to love attention from others and validation. Ive noticed sagittarius moons like their partners to be a lot different from them. They tend to love the idea of being nurturing and caring but they have the tendency to express Astartes war side as being passive aggressive, they may hold grudges. 3. Earth Risings tend to be very brutally honest & this can make other people think theyre careless. This degree is the degree of supreme power & recognition. 17: fame degree. Originally I found them thru tarot games lol. these people are so observant THEY know where to hit it. Astarte is a female divine. They usually have very diverse friends: Virgo mercuries may be attracted to Scorpio mercuries. 0 - Marks the beginning of a new cycle . Jupiter in Sagittarius individuals will have luck helping them out this lifetime, even if they dont know it. What is the opposite of Aries? for ex: barely an earth in chart you'll attract earth signs and balance each other out. War, fighting, police officers, firefighters, any occupation that involves uniforms and possibly risking your life. The degree theory is a more modern theory in astrology by the late Serbian astrologer Nikola Stojanovic! Prominent Leo placements The sign of Leo is typically included somewhere in the chart of those who become famous, and Leo rules the theatre and the. mercury in 9th / mercury aspecting jupiter can indicate someone having an interest in multiple languages and even going to school for such. Libra moons usually have very attractive eyes. CLAUDES THOUGHTS ON DEGREES IN ASTROLOGY: - Okay I really love reading Nikolas book + other sources about this topic. I dont wanna party anymore I wanna stay at home., You know Im always hidden in my comfort zone, when am I gonna get out there? im sorryy. do not steal. I think since this particular degree is later on in the degrees, this household fame maybe more long lasting, just like how some claim that the last degree in Leo (29) is the degree of long-lasting widespread fame. Yall know how this goes, but thank you to everyone who interacts and learns from this series. Aquarius sign can manifest as what is hidden. They tend to be very blunt and authoritative to the public eye and people tend to see them as someone who isnt scared of the truth. So many pisces placements get into online / long distance relationships. Dwarf planet Ceres is the largest object in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. I will not expand on this as I dont have too much knowledge on magic. Also known as the household degrees. The 28 is popularly known as the household degree. Another major indicator is having the ruler of the Midheaven making any kind of major aspect to the Midheaven is very important. Kylie Jenner has her Jupiter conjunct 2nd house cusp by less than 1 degree, so that also applies. This could be your last live. Cancer Women (Major Placements) Are usually very kind and supportive. The men usually can have more of a serious look & the women are usually smiling. If you ever had an important connection with someone check their Juno and your Juno! Person is constantly doubtful about things in life. This conjunction is also going to be opposing the Sun-SN-Mercury conjunction. -Today we are going to talk about the degree theory and how degrees can be analyzed in your chart! They enjoy peaceful activities and like their own relaxing time quite often. Fashion shows. They seriously can perfect it. Their main motive is security and if anyone were to bother with their boundaries the person would have to face harsh reality from Astarte in Taurus / 2nd house individuals. I like to study astrology and give my astrological observations. Mars has stationed direct in Gemini FINALLY! They have a lot of different ideas they can think of, but people dont see this for a bit & pair that with. Air moons/ placements love neglecting their intuition, you know you have that bad feeling about that one person, why arent they blocked yet? this can go as far as dropping close friends for their partner & then regretting it. Since the Moon will be in its exaltation during this time, I can see it could be a time of being more in touch with the sensual side of life. If extremely underdeveloped they could go as far as emotionally abusing the person. They tend to have curvaceous bodies and watery eyes and if they are a woman they tend to have very beautiful breasts. With. I need to learn how to fight for myself more!! Is it the rules? Cancer Mercuries Can shy from anything that can hurt them. So be like that and imma be like this!. Her husband, The Duke of Edinburghs, chart features the North Node of Destiny in his 10th house and Venus at 5 degrees oppositeTaurus inhis 4th house. : $ DellyRelly see something they go get it, especially when it involves Money / inheritance very over! Plays very important role in creativity or giving artistic talent to fame degrees astrology tumblr of intrusive.. In chart you & # x27 ; ll attract earth signs like to astrology... See this theory as well < 3, astro I feel like bringing more depth the... Doesnt really enjoy it being well-known and popular, so many celebrities have stellium. Somebody if your own boundaries are closed someone that makes their inner child.. Steal my WORK! but THANK you to everyone who interacts and learns from this series Mars jupiter! 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