That her life most definitely hadnt been easy. Your Bruce. It was just so surreal ! He really tried though, to slowly get used to it. Quite literally. Before I could say or do anything Bruce was in front of me. There's a once-in-a-century snowstorm that has Bru is penniless and stranded at Gotham International Airport while in hot pursuit of a mafia man, and it's as miserable as thousands of depressed people stuck in a shitty airport with $15 sandwiches can make it. Behind Damians eyes, eyes that clearly already saw too much for their age, Flash could still see the kid he wanted to be. After a short awkward silence, Clark spoke up again : No. He just got a little overwhelmed at first, to be stared at by Earths mightiest hero. Did he get hurt when whoever was attacking you shot him ? V. . But it's in those precious few early morning hours where Bryce herself comes out. One more that the Batman adopted. If they thought it was easy, that you just bathed in wealth and youre husband was just a damn sexy and smart bastardthen they were wrong. And just like with his father, thisglimpse would only be triggered by him being with his family. He never showed emotions, never showed weakness or anything, was entirely focused on his work. THIS IS NOT FOR YOU IF YOU ARE UNDERAGED, I GODDAMN MEAN IT. "baby keeping you up, Momma Bat" he said using my nickname the kid's had given me, I yawned smiling "you have no idea, the kid's? Harboring a fighting stance, he unsheathed the wooden rapier you made for him, and the gesture makes the hat immediately fall on his eyes againBut he takes hold of it with his hand that isnt holding his sword, and throws it at an imaginary enemy. Bruce used a cloth and wiped my face gently. Bougainvillea 'Bengal Orange'. Maybe even worst than young Jasons. Instantly, he gives you a worried look and do not understand what made you so tense all of a sudden, when, while its still supposed to be silent around, he hears the smuggest voice he ever heard in his entire life (and he spend his life around smug people) : -(Y/N) !! As people stare at you all shamelessly. I looked at him the bright moon, provided the only source of light from the room. It always upsets you too much to think anyone could think heal of your family. More and more every seconds. His persistance in showing what Jason meant is what brought him back. Written by on 27 febrero, 2023.Posted in fd150 phone line not connected.fd150 phone line not connected. Followed by bodies hitting the ground. And to little Dick, it was quite something to witness all his favorite heroes freak out like that, and looking in total shock. And your eldest son was friend with The Flash sidekick, Kid Flash, even though you never actually met Barry Allen, you felt like Wally told you enough things about him that you knew youd probably get along. Summary : The Kent family have invited your family over for dinner, and of course, as usual, Damian and Jon dont quitebehave. So many superheroes in the same place, wasnt it a bit of bad luck ? Damian had an odd and painful childhood, raised by people who warped his vision of the World. Everyone, but Batman and his son. He finally kissed me and laid his head on me above my chest. Of course, no one would expect such a thing from the Batman. And whenever you or/and your kids were present, Batman most definitely seemed to be in a better mood. Second, this fic was inspired by an ask I received that said :Because of their blue eyes and black hair Bruce and Clark could be mistaken for brothers maybe even twins if no one knew. Only tonight, you could feel her stare at you, burning holes into you, and it was against your own advice that you turned your head towards her, not even realizing you were doing it. Alone., Youre insane, Dick chuckled, shaking his head. After Batman deals with some goons, he gives chase to Catwoman who stole a data drive. The pregnancy tests resting on his bathroom counters dont care. Falcone's men only managed to save their little girl from getting gunned down, but it was too late and Maroni was a step ahead. But things started to change as Bruce beg him to knot him in his heat. Flash is gonna show me around ! Its the first thought that comes to your mind, as you drift slowly in unconsciousness. At least, until an earthquake opens up the grounds of the manor, and something other than just the bats comes out. Tess, also known as, Tessiee May, was the soon to be wife of Bruce Wayne, Batman. They had been dating for three years, and in that time she . Just natural. Go ahead, ask him, dont worry, Im here.. Three shot. I see all my family back from patrol. As the kids get older more rules are added to the list, This will be a bunch of oneshots in my Marvel/DC Universe. They just realized what Superman and Wonder Woman discovered a while ago now. I loved the idea so much I ended up writing this so..hope youll like it, and as usual, feedbacks are MORE than welcome : There was a time, years and years ago, when you first started to date Bruce, where you occasionally used to be a tiny bit confused about something. So while she is Batwomen. EVEN IF TRANSLATED IN ANOTHER LANGUAGE, OR WITH "CREDITS", please. Thats one of the reason why there was a glass case filled with his costume throning in the midle of the Batcave. Its embarrassing, I brought him up here because he was excited to meet all of you, and now youre acting like mad men.. Hopefully it'll turn out to be a good series of my shipped superheroes going out on double dates. Youre also too drunk to ignore Dinahs questions, and she knows it (really, thats why she always ask all of that while its girls night out. Wayne Manor is one of the few sites protected by Gotham's Historical Society and actually left alone by the growing rogue's gallery out of Arkham. Hey mom ! After only a few months he was already introducing you as his mother, and that was that. Of course, when they werent there, Batman still had that scary persona. And yet your now husband Bruce Wayne, and his best friend Clark Kent, shared crazy physical similarities. A simple human with incredible abilities. The amazon holds your glare andoh youre too drunk to be able to give her a proper one. When Tim was on the Space Station, youd be most often there too. Little Jason was home with you all, and it was a heartfelt thing to witness for each members of the League. Your plan was to hold him in until all of us were out of your way, and then stow yourself away in the bay and just casually push out a fucking baby. I think I met him a few times. You both went to the bathroom and came back to your very sober boyfriends andYou went to Clark, and Lois went to Bruce, and kissed them passionately. For months, the League didnt see much of neither you nor Bruce. ), said : Get a grip, everyone. old fat fuck videos. The Gotham City Society of Fireproof Women is a 10-part DCU fanfic written by GeneralIrritation, centered primarily around Batman and his supporting cast.. A fan-created, fan-run, nonprofit, noncommercial archive for transformative fanworks, like fanfiction, fanart, fan videos, and podfic. Ok, maybe not just yet, but at least they were all good friends. The big bad Bat himself was right next to them, and Barry couldnt help but wonder how the hell did he arrive so fast ?! And when you came up to the Headquarters, a warm welcome is what greeted you. That day, Barry felt that Bruce truly was warming up to him. Hell, aside from the incident two months ago that must have led to this, he hasnt had sex at all in over a year. Once shes sure she has your (unwilling) attention, she continues : -You guys at Wayne ManorYou have a butler right ? But then he just had to take one look at how said Batman was looking at you, and he realized that both of you were lucky. From afar, you and Bruce kept a close eye on what was happening, making sure Duke was alright and comfortable. Jason was unforgettable. Just like Jason, Barry could see that this young child went through a lotBut it didnt seem to dim her light. Princess Diana of the Amazons finds herself in love with playboy billionaire, Bruce Wayne; more commonly known to her as Batman, the Dark Knight. Ever since Jason died, it felt like something irreparable broke in the man. Those kids. Getting back up on his feet, he takes his hat again and put it on his head and say, proudly, looking at the empty spot in front of him : Stay on your butt, you miscreant ! The kid clearly was a little ray of sunshine. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Clark works as a journalist and a photographer for a famous model name Bruce Wayne, whom he's crushing on. Real people werentone dimensional. Her eyes locked on yours. Even the darkest of hearts could have and hold love. Don't like, don't read. Besides, most of the time, its just misplaced jealousy. And the worst thing is ? Or at least, if you thought they were brothers, no one would think you were being stupid. Then her kids show her how much they love her too. Like you had difficulties letting them out of your sight. Reader. Oh man. The league discovered that Batman madefiles on all of them. Dammit. You knew what they liked and didnt like, their personalityHum, you might have, MIGHT, read Bruces files on them. Your wife is hot part 2 - Bruce Wayne x Reader, My mom is better than yours - Batmom x Damian Wayne, The first time they called youmom - Batmom x Batboys, YoureYoure Bruces father ! - Bruce Wayne x Reader, Did that miscreant hurt you, mother ? - Batmom x Batfam, The many times Alfred Pennyworth walked in on his master and his wife making love, and that one time his young masters wished they were blind - Bruce Wayne x Reader (Erotica). The real one !. Want a tour of it ?. It would just never happen. But, still at the coffee station, he just looked at both meta humans, frowned, shook his head, and left the room, visibly grumbling something under his breath. Men can't get . Draco had been a monster to her from day one at Hogwarts. And if you had to make a speech each times before a social event to keep your family out of the scandal news, then you would. And ya know Im here to write the League interact with Batmom and co haha. Damian could still, sometimes, be a little arrogant and such (just like his father), but there was a clear shift when he was surrounded by his loving family. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title, Just a little writing about Y/N being pregnant with Bruce's baby. We stayed there for a while I yawned. It means no flirting for Dick. Butwhy is the Batman logo on his suit red ? Tony Stark will be Toni Stark. After all, theyre really the one that started this little hero club. Show me how youd do it !. They felt like he betrayed their trust, while all he wanted to do was to make sure the World was safe. They were stupid to think they could win. It didnt feel right, that he would only be dark, cold and harsh, That day, that first day Tim got up the Headquarter and got overly excited about everything. Once you start to feel happily tipsy, you stop drinking. as well as Because if you asked their father, or Alfred, theyd tell you : Its literally impossible to rank the one that is the most mamas boy/girl. Hell, he was even calling youMama (damn period dramas) now ! You had also became a vital member of the League. (This story contains Mpreg. That deep down, the man was still that little boy full of enthusiasm and curiosity that worshipped his father and mother. So I won't be able to respond to comments or post anything. And now, they took it further, leveled up in the protective business, and became, Barry would like to say, kind of like a family ! But the fact that they had that tracker on you meant that theyd see you go to Gotham and one of their overly protective ass would be around and. Anyway. And that you fully accepted it, because you did not love him conditionally. Bruce had a soft smile as he felt the baby kick. The fact that your husband and his best friend look like brothers confused you a few times. You guys might not be drunk enough to ask embarrassingly personal question, but you can never stop from answering them, too drunk to think better !). (It's a work in progress everyone! Bryce Wayne had always had Gotham's attention, but since she stepped up after the flood, she's stolen its heart, too. He lived for your bedtime stories and cuddle when he had trouble sleeping. Anyway, hope youll like it : IMPORTANT WARNING : THIS IS EROTICA ! Cass made incredible progress in her speech, helped by her family. Unaware of his secret identity an unexpected r. He was the fear in the eyes of men, the chill that lurks in the shadows. Well, your older kids did too. Youre a pretty responsible woman, even when drunk. He approaches you andthe way he walks is so unfamiliar. But what was the most shocking of all, was how whenever you or the boy would be around, it felt like they were discovering another Batman ! Or anything like this? Because in his eyes, Batman was the most intimidating guy he ever met ! Bruce is raped and becomes withdrawn and far too quiet. Yes. It meansNo talking or moving for Damian really, as he knows when he starts, he can never stop. or, Bruce was born Bryce and somehow that changes the course of history. Once again, you place the tricorn back as best you can, smoothing the huge peacock feather planted on its side while youre at it. I ran grabbing the trash can under the bathroom sink throwing up. You take care and love of us, I return love", I feel my hormones rise at her kind word's. Batman nodded, which mortified Barry as he realized that he knew what they were talking about, and left once again. Tim didnt seem to mind. I feel my baby kick. You already encountered Superman, who was in real life Clark Kent, your husbands best friend. Your kids all instantly yelled at the same time : DAMIAN ! It means no fighting for Jason. Alfred ? And you and the Leaguers became fast friends (hed never admit it, but the Bat surely wasnt always happy about that). She was probably the one that they sheltered all the most, even you, who were usually a rather chill mother. Massaging his wrist, still a little sour about his defeat, Clark asked, a little absentmindedly : Flash, looking around, lowered his voice and said : There was a short pause, before Diana says : Flash shook his head positively, looking around nervously one more time to make sure said Batman wasnt there. pregnant and can39t tolerate sugar. Bruce gives birth on a dreary Tuesday night. 85 guests Later on, Flash would learn that at first, Bruce refused to take Tim as the new Robin. . I hope you will like it : Bruce thought it was extremely cute, how Damians eyes always seem to shine when looking at you. AKA Female!Bruce fucks up her kids (who really shouldnt be her kids), particularly Tim. So awkward. I love my daughter. No matter how much Lois tells hims she was drunk and didnt know any better. But without them, you also had no purpose but to burn out all alone. Yes. Your friend Dinah though ? Curious of everything in a way his brothers werent, as he needed detailed explanations about stuffs, not just a simple answer. The only thing they knew, was that yes, it seemed not that easy to raise those boys of yours as they also seemed veryfull of life. From that first time she came through the zeta tube, on the back of her brother, who then proceeded to give her a piggy back ride all across the Headquarter, to now. Ill throw it at the ruffian who wants to steal my gold from me, distract them, and then Illmake them fall on their butt ! The big bad bat then squatted down to put himself at the boys level and asked, his voice taking a complete different tone, one that Barry never heard him have. The sun around which they all gravitated. Of course they were). You and Dick were still there. But today, I wanted to reply to some asks about the Batfam (more particularly about Batmom), and umWell I got so carried away on the very first question I tried to reply to, that I ended up writing a full fic about it and I guess Ill answer other asks later ^^. Please consider turning it on! Youre definitely a bit drunkDinahsmiles at you, and you smile back. I just can't seem to find the right way to say those two simple word's. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA)Theres always a small silence, before conversations start once again, your boys go off on their own to find drinks and food, and Bruce get swarmed by tons of people that wants to talk to him. But the restWell, you were just super stressed. Oh and his hair were less tended to in the back. It always begins in an alleyway on Parks Row. He offers his hand and I held Bruce's hand placing it where our unborn baby is kicking. Being able to pull him away from his dark thoughts was a full time job. Letting you all know that I will not have internet access soon and I'm not sure for how long. . You were at the Leagues Watchtower, talking aboutsomething. Fortunately, Wayne mansions garden was massive. Its main focus is on finding out who the father of Barry's child is and how the romance drama gonna be afterward. PS : In case youre wondering, the baby mentioned at the end of the story is the one appearing in those fics:The Great Mall adventure, Master of Diaper, Shaky steps and bad teaching, Polichinelle, Go away, youre confusing my baby, How do you make babies ?, What it means to be a big brother, Wild Child 2, We want them back and After Batmoms death, Heres for you :), and I thank you very much ^^, _______________________________________________________________________. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. And Flash was still not sure if it was reality or just a fever dream. It seemed to Barry, that this newest member ofwho manages to make Batman smiles without trying or realizing it club was on the right track to become quite the hero. He looks at you with sparkling eyesWell, with one sparkling eye. But the truth was, and it was clear at the expression of his face was one full of fondness and love as the baby cooed at him, that Bruce was actually like any other man. WOOOOOW you guys have cookies here ?! I have been making excuses to not go on patrol. Thats the picture Barry has now when he thinks of him. They first went to see the Batcave, which left you enough time to try and relax. Still sort of in shock, Barry gave a timid gesture towards where the Bat went, and watched as you went there in a hurry. She was quite like you, in a way that she would very rarely drinkOnly when youd stop after a few beers, feeling the fogginess of being drunk come over you, she wouldnt. He was the opposite. Barry couldnt help but think about how incredibly strong that boy (man) was. Hopefully, no one will notice(NSFW, 18+, minors dont interact), She should cut her nails (part of the League teasing the batlovers). But more mpreg cause I love it). Files in which were their secret identities, the way they could be defeated, and a all lot of personal details. It's no secret that Bryce Wayne is a severe woman, from her nighttime brooding Batwoman to her more charming daytime "Bree-Bree Wayne" persona. Quite like Tim, Damian never had the love of areal mother. Complete. Of course he was smart and sexy, but oh, oh being his wife wasnt easy. The Batman had to admit it, sometimes, he was a bit jealous. Thanks to you, to his children. Whose family would uncover the best part of him. justiceleague, love, young This version of Damian Wayne is from a future where he becomes Batman after he is unable to save the second Batman May 21, 2020 - This is a drawing of Batman and Belle from my Batman fan fiction Nov 16, 2016 - Read . Even now, faced with the fact this was reality, Barry couldnt quite believe his eyes ! So what, Dick continued, shrugging emphatically in front of his adopted father. The first smile Flash saw the Batman have in a very long time, as the man looked at his son running everywhere and be excited about everything. You hold it in place for a few seconds to make sure it wont fall again, trying to figure out a way to balance it on his ears, and say : We really need to get you a hat your sizeThis one is way too big, itll get in the way if you have to fight for the treasure !. Fucking giant man. Every hero has a heart. Because I know you love me and you'll, do anything for me and the baby" I inhaled "Sometimes I just try to tough it out, you know?" Just like in his day time work, just like in forensics and suchThings werent always that simple. You already starts to see black spots form in front of you whenThe sound of a gun. Inspired by an anonasking me how many times Alfred accidentally walked in on Bruce and Batmom making loveYeah, just another silly thing really, I seem to write a lot about Bruce and Batmomslove problem haha (breaking furnitures, being walked on in, blahblahblah). It just took him taking a chance at being happy again to show it. To be honest you know it comes with the package to be a Wayne. Curiosity. And here he is. justice league meets bruce wayne fanfiction. We stayed in the same place taking in the moment. :DAlso, the Justice League members are normal humans, none have powers or are alien. Dianasmiled widely (not a rare occurence in her case) and turned to look at Clark knowingly. But mostly, he just thought it was really cute, to see his boy completely accepting you as his mother. Contraction?" Pearls, a mugger, screaming. Leslie was the only doctor he trusted enough to like, but she was still a Doctor and they just got his nerves a lot which was why he didn't like them. How having a family, a loving and caring and protective one, made her bloom. Clark Kent was really worried, but he didn't let on. 3 pages 1 day ago Rainbowcart . But he had a pretty normal childhood. Barry had a thought about how odd it was, that this kid was intimidated by him and his friends, while apparently totally ok with Batman. But with yours and Bruces love, with the protection and love his siblings gave him, hehealed. You winked at him and told him it was pretty cool and brave to try and steal thebatmobiles wheels, and boom, you had him wrapped around your little fingers. Again, there was just a way about you. Toni will be an Avenger and Brianna will be in the Justice League. Features one or more of the sides in the relationship with dark and/or evil characterization and intent. ", "all accounted for and asleep as should you be". Dick lost his little brother. So he went to Bruce, and asked him, murmuring in his ear and hiding his mouth. And so you start telling the storyThe story of the many times Alfred walked in on you and Bruce having sex, and that one time your children wished they were blind. She goes to her mom's house and finds her and Paul dead. You were the one he considered his mom (Talia actually tried to kill you a few times because of that, jealous beyond everything of you and the loveher son seemed to have for youShe tried harder when Damian told her that she wasnever his mom, that you showed him what a real mother was, and also, when she realized how in love Bruce was with you, while she had to drug him to get him to sleep with herYeah, pretty jealous. The last few girls night out you had (you try to get together at least every two months, away from work and your regularSuperheroins activities), she asked Diana if she ever banged Superman, and Zatanna if she ever used her magic wands forother things than magic. And tonight, forgirls night out, she definitely took too many shots. But now ? (Please read the warnings and heed them.). We stayed in the same place taking in the moment. An arranged, Loveless marriage with a man that she could very easily said she hated. It takes you a few seconds to register whats going on, and when you go completely stiff in Bruces arms. Because they all always ignored you. But he tested you in every way possible, and he had to admit that, you were just like him. He jumps a bit in the air out of excitement, and takes a few steps back from you. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (8), No beta we die like Jason (will eventually), Bruce Wayne is Tim Drake's Biological Parent, and Clark is their other biological parent, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Clark Kent & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth (mentioned) - Character, Basically everyone is protective of Bruce, Don't worry the rest of the team plus Lois are still family too, How Odd It Is To Be a Wayne (With Stories In No Particular Order), Always a girl baby with Bruce/Clark mpreg, My Life in Your Hands (Until the End of Time), Tim Drake & Clark Kent & Alfred Pennyworth & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne. #whenyourealizethatyoucreatedatimelinethatmadesenseanddidntdoitonpurpose. 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