Tom/Judy fluff (maybe) Tom/Tony hurt (maybe) Community: nfacommunity. Any stories that include deep analysis of Tony DiNozzo's character. He couldnt help thinking Tony was a frightened animal that needed taming. They didnt throw out the past like this, because it always devolved into scoring pointsusually Tony scoring them on Gibbs. Please consider turning it on! She hadnt been cleared for field-agent duty, hadnt wanted to be on desk duty as an agent or an analyst. @51@51@51@. by LitGal 140,147 words, With John back at the helm, Atlantis is developing into a thriving city-state. Once and for all, Gibbs echoed. Thought it was time we met, Tony said with a shrug. Tony was trying not to take it personally, but it was hard. It was the reason Gibbs hadn't discussed Alex with Tony. What is it? Gibbs asked, trying like hell to sound casual, though his eyes and attention were focused on Tonys hand and the nervous gestures hed just started to take in. What? Gibbs snapped. Order, he said, thrusting the paper at Alex. The case? He could handle this and he was more than capable. Tony was as confident in Dwayne as he assumed Gibbs had been toward him in the early days, but Dwayne was still a very green agent on a team with a very green leader. Gibbs hadnt come up to bed last night. Yeah, thatd be good. Creating is something you do good. my empire of dirt. Gibbs couldnt hide his wince, but he looked away, swallowing hard. Wanna touch. Tony was alone. He knew Alex and Tony werent But what was his brother doing here, overnight, no less. Now, Tony can finally just let go, and let his daddies take care of him. This is a Tony Dinozzo/NCIS fanfic about a girl who is kidnapped at age 12 and is missing for years before the team finds her, chained up and barely alive, in the home of a seemingly likeable marine. Please consider turning it on! It tells the story from Tonys little black book with all the interesting women he dated in his life. "Someone has to," he shot back, every word delivered angrily. He wanted to ask McGee how Tony was doing, but he didnt dare. It hit Tony with a clarity that almost brought him to his knees. In chapter 5, we follow Gibbs and learn about his desires for Tony. Tony reached out to rest a hand on Gibbs' shoulder, but Gibbs shied away. But with their Uncle figure and their newfound father figure(Bruce Banner) maybe, just maybe, things will get better for them and their little brother. Ducky had taken a look at the tests and said everything would be okay in a few days, but they were all still healing and it hurt like hell for Alex to function right now. Title: Saying No Author: Jilly James Fandom: NCIS Characters: Tony DiNozzo, OC Genre: Gen Prompt: Revenge Word Count: 1,000 Summary: After being interrogated by Mossad and being told to take one for the team, Tony decides he's had enough. Jennys former admin assistant had been laid off when Jenny had died and Vance had brought in his own executive admin, and Cynthia had taken the opportunity to get through the police academy and FLETC. ", thus bringing his group chat idea to fruition. Shannon was still a topic he couldnt broach with anyone, the pain still cut too deep. He says a lot, just not always with words. The man said, his voice in an uninterested monotone, even though his eyes seemed bright and curious. It is one chapter long, but it is a very long chapter with over 49,000 words. This makes it a little hard to follow sometimes. Nor had the gentle reminder of conflicts of interest and chain of command. And it hurt. Alcoholic Tony Stark. Gibbs was aware that the team was worried and shaken up. Dad!, Not getting any younger, Leroy, his father pointed out, seeming to be unfazed. She saw Tony come up for air, and for a moment there was relief. The bourbon turned sour in Gibbs gut, his palms moistening as he rapped quietly on Tonys door. Tony sat up as Gibbs walked in, his entire being attuned to his lover. Now he finds himself forced to use every skill he has to keep himself and his fellow victim alive as he is thrust into a universe that is much larger and deadlier than he ever imagined. Tony didnt know if he had the strength to scale it any more. The author follows the season perfectly and ensures the timelines still fit the original series. Tony, you're an expert in undercover work. When their commander shows up, things get even more interesting. In that, it was his closest ally. He stroke out, thankful that Alex couldnt see his face right now. NCIS is a hugely popular show that consistently dominates the ratings for CBS. Mostly me thinking what random ass cross over do I need in my life today? She leaned forward, and he realized he was going to have to talk to her about something, and the case was probably the safest topic. This was written as a commission for Hilde, who wanted a story based on the song HURT by Johnny Cash. Gibbs has left for Mexico, and somehow Tony just knows and feels that Gibbs is in trouble. It was silly and stupid, but Gibbs couldnt help his emotional investment in this and the way it manifested itself in his physical energy bursts. The Last Straw and sequel An Autopsy Gremlin Blues by Writerkos. NCIS - Rated: K+ - English - Angst/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 6 - Words: 10,112 - Reviews: 16 - Published: 12-18-11 - Leroy Jethro Gibbs & Tony D. - Complete. Part 4 of 4 - Fanfiction for the Manwha, Under the Oak Tree. As good as he was, he wouldnt be able to hide the pain that was hovering just under the surface. She nodded. He didnt need someone who knew him; he needed a newbie he could mold. Not so good with words, but I can show ya feelings.. And that wasnt him, but what he and Tony had wasnt his typical relationship. And when Gibbs returns to work without acknowledging what has happened, Tony needs all the help he can get. Kinda, Gibbs agreed, cocking his head. Written for the NCIS Big Bang. My upbringing and my family life wasnt what Jethro dealt with at all. Alex sighed and shifted in place and Tony had the sense that Gibbs brother was preparing to say something significant. "I'm fine, DiNozzo," Gibbs ground out, his voice sharpening. Can we? DiNozzo asked, the anguish tramping across his features before he shuttered them. New friendships are formed, also new enemies are made. Wonder sometimes, Tony muttered. The power is in your hands, but let me tell you something. Out? Gibbs echoed, his voice strangely quiet. More often than not, hed sleep under the boat. You want to have pissing contests, well do that, but not over humans. And Gibbs knew he'd been the one to screw up. There will be romance, adventure, family new and old, cases, drama. Dont, Gibbs shot back. A shitty vent fic with no real plot about the support they wish they had! Founder: lilpretender - Stories: 79 - Followers: 1 - id: 97821. As proud as he was of Tony. An NCIS/Danny Phantom Fanfiction. His shoulders slumped, the fight clearly gone right out of him. The responsibility was immense and after the Renny Grant thing, Tony didnt trust himself, not entirely. The call to SecNav had made with numb fingers and acid burning Gibbs gut, but SecNav had made his mind up. 490 Stories. 544 18 2. When Tony emerged from the bathroom, drying himself and hastily packing his toiletries, Gibbs was gone. It was close, but it wasnt Gibbs team. Hatori'd been trained in board rooms and in front of Power Point presentations. And McGeethey had the brotherhood theyd had when Ziva had been in Somalia, but it was different; they were more equals now than ever, even though Tony was a team leader now. Tony replied, striving to keep his voice even, though he wanted to yell. You can use the words, use the hands, the actions. Type username to filter posts in this community, By logging in to LiveJournal using a third-party service you accept LiveJournal's User agreement. For example, he knows that humans are made of 60% water!But he also knows that cool facts wont get him adopted. Community: NCIS Fanfiction Addiction. Gibbs was complicated, conflicted, his methods werent always the best, but his results couldnt be denied. "Banged up," Gibbs admitted with a resigned shrug. There was no way Jethro would accept comfort right now; to be comforted when he was hurting was a sign of weakness, he'd said. The use of Tony's last name plus what amounted to a verbal slap made him wince. But now he has even more choices, and whatever he picks will have great consequences for his (former) teammates. wait this is kinda pre-slash for them huh? He didn't know, wasn't even sure it mattered. Reason for Rec: Another great Richefic story that showcases Gibbs' confidence in Tony's competence and the way McGee has been rather insubordinate of Tony lately on the show. Proof that the remaining 10% is worth dying for here. That had been the plan, but it didnt hurt to confirm. The third member of his team was the most surprising of all. Not only was Alex pushing into his work life, but his home life too. He was used to waiting Tony out and sensed that Tony needed time to focus and streamline his thoughts. No. Tony, Gibbs whispered, his anguish settling over Tonys shoulders like a heavy stifling cloak. it's a quick fun lighthearted read! "I killed the kid and his old man, too," Daemon added. Well see old friends and make new ones. But Tony's a creature of impulse, and his impulses never pass Q/A. It was that tone that got Gibbs to stop pacing, though he shifted his weight from foot to foot. Along with the TV show, there is a whole world of NCIS fanfiction out there. Tony asked, resisting the urge to reach out and touch Gibbs. Every waking moment was spent trying to figure out what had gone wrong. Youre here, DiNozzo. Somewhere between Kate dying and Gibbs leaving, Tony You mad hes a boss now too? his father continued. Me too, but it was different. Work Search: What? Gibbs asked, trying to twist around and look. It was the samebut it was different now. Another week of him barely even seeing Gibbs. They were equals now in a very unequal way. or accurate. The Feebs were no place for her, and Jemma had joined NCIS three years ago, one of Jennys last hires. A rack for his DVDs or something. CELLS WORKSHEET Labelling diagrams 2 Label the parts of. How will becoming a family again change things? He liked working with Gibbs; team; saw it as a rejection even though it wasnt, strictly speaking. Riftan has been forcing himself to hold back, but his throbbing member kept on poking Max's back, screaming, touch me Maxi . 9.6K 414 14. There are plenty of other ways to make that boy feel wanted. The interaction between her and Tony is very fun to read, especially once Derek joins the party as well. It wasnt working, Gibbs finally replied just as the doors opened. I liked Kate, Ziva, and Palmer so I decided to add them to this AU. Set mid-season 4. I am a 38-year-old book lover living in Rotterdam the Netherlands with my husband and daughter. Gibbs winced as the glass shatteredthe third tonightand looked away. The Avengers must decide what to do and somehow keep Tony from falling apart. Gibbs/OC, Tony/Ziva and slight Danno/ Steve. But Dad had never said anything, and Gibbs had been able to ignore his searching looks and the questions about bond between him and Tony. This was a do or die moment, and Tony wasnt even expected for a while. "The rest of the team?". Written: September 2010. Tony couldnt deny that he felt as if hed been replaced. McGee hung up the phone, cocking his head and regarding Gibbs. Thank you. Tony only looked at the mess blankly, blinking and shaking his head. My brother cares about you, Tony, The only question I have is if youre both brave enough to take that step together. Theyd saved her when planning to avenge her death and that closed the book on Tonys involvement with her. Yeah, I know. Jethro sighed, stowing his gun and tossing his keys, wallet, and spare change onto the side table. And sometimes Gibbs was still getting his sea legs with respect to his third agent. But Leila is the goddess of lies, and she must spin many to keep her and her son's existence secure and unnoticeable. As NCIS is a current show some fanfic within this site will inevitably contradict canon that came after the story was written. "Juanita, I need 2mg of Versed and another 12mg of morphine. While on Vacation with his relatives in Washington D.C. Harry watched the car crash that killed Shannon Gibbs and the agent in charge of protection. All that time could he really have had ADHD? When we lost our way.. Rated T for safety. My love for reading started at a very young age. So basically, these are a lot of short stories with a very original take on the characters and storylines. He could do this. This is the story of her life, her love, and her recovery. Gibbs made his way down the stairs slowly, gripping the banister and trying to hide his grunts of pain. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". Giddy up! his father said with a chortle as he ambled out of the house. Fine is a Four Letter Word by secretchild reviews. No. Steve is a recovering war vet and up-and-coming artist, living in a four-bedroom apartment with his friends and Little. Nobody knew about him and Tony. She was different from him, much lighter hearted, kinda like you, Alex ventured. Can be kid Tony, or adult Tony, or just act like father and son. For a guy who lived his life wearing masks, it was an unguarded and naked moment. Their relationship wasnt the only thing that had changed. Tony stood, pacing, watching Gibbs, who was looking at him impassively. Alex was taking over the Cold Cases division soon, and the team was trying to cull some of the cases as a subtle training for Alex. Basically the same as Jealousy just with different characters. Gibbs watched it shatter, hoping he didnt show his reaction. It hurt like hell. KELLY LIVES! Abby/Tony friendship,Tony/Gibbs father/son. However, the Wraith are still a threat. Maybe the specter of agent afloat was in too close memory. About: December 27, 2013. Didnt think either of you could wait. all my filthy life i loved someone i barely knew. His brother knew him damned well, and there was no way Alex was going to let Gibbs get away without eating. He wanted to check on Alex, make sure that he was doing okay. Warnings: Violence, human trafficking, abduction, implied threat of rape.Spoilers: Hawaii Five-0 Season 1, NCIS up to Season 4. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", Explicit, Mature, General Audiences, Teen And Up Audiences, Teen And Up Audiences, Explicit, General Audiences. Or come to bed and not even touch Tony, no matter how hard Tonys body strained for any contact. Required fields are marked *. Replies to my comments Do you really have so little work that you can afford to spend a lot of time talking to me about my case?, I get paid the same no matter what we talk about. These are recommendations made by Tropers for NCIS fanfics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. He'd tried sleeping in the basement the first night, but somewhere between his fifth and sixth jars of bourbon, he'd ended up in the bed, his head buried in the pillow, drowning in Tony's scent. Too tired to go home, and too stubborn to sleep in my bed. He paused. Going to Vance. He winced and grunted, his arm coming across his body. He couldnt help feeling jealous that McGee had slipped into his old life, that McGee was Gibbs go-to guy now. Know why youre driving him away.. I have a friend over.. Sort by: Hot. He could build something with his hands, but that wouldnt be ready for a while. tony stark has been called many things: a merchant of death, the da vinci of our time, (which is dumb, he isn't a painter) and a genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. Ducky mentioned it., Hes the other one who has known Jethro that long. He would pull out all the stops to stop Tony from his self destructive path. An alternative timeline after Avengers assemble; where Tony gets highjacked by an all powerful entity. But Alex? Though Alex didnt complain, Gibbs knew his back was still bothering him. But your responses can. Coming? Tony asked, one eyebrow quirking upward. Dr. Mary Alice Williams gets into trouble and her old friend Gibbs is there to help her out. They were getting close to solving a couple of them, and with every solved cold case, Gibbs found himself thinking of Pacci, who had run the department. Following the events of Reemergence II: The MIA Affair Redux.Trapped with multiple secret agents in an isolated house in the middle of a deadly blizzard, Gibbs and DiNozzo try to figure out who killed two marines but they seem to be up against time travelers from the past as well as the future, aliens, and alien hunters. Now that Tony had made his decision, a peace crept over him and he felt limp with relief. Tony's Little Black Book: Turn of the Women. NCIS Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs growled to himself, but mopped up the mess and retrieved a fresh cup . And he isnt sure if he can still do this job when JJ shows up. Gibbs could only stare after him. The guy had a military career, had washed out after an accident in Iraq, looked exactly like what he wasa ten years younger member of the Gibbs family. He finds out he has been in coma for a while and everything was just a dream he had. When the dust settles, both mens lives are forever changed. Theyd have coffee and drive over to Alexandria in two cars. It was over; Gibbs had let it die from neglect. Not your responsibility any more, Gibbs shot back. When Tony is given a promotion, he stands to lose the most important thing in his life. Too many years and too many war wounds lay between them. Timothy McGee. But you and me. Gibbs closed the distance between them, his hand lifting to Tony face. And if you have questions about this topic, feel free to leave a message in the comments below! But in the battle to subdue a group of meth addicts, hed taken a lot of painful blows. Probably too many things. And it wasnt as if theyd necessarily tell him what was happening. Bring whoever you want, someone youre not gonna mind knowing about us. And if that didn't work, Gibbs knew he had other ways of making things happen. What happens when you have an autistic, mentally ill teenager with access to the internet who likes Marvel and is in a toxic household? Tony felt like an ass for being thankful that someone else had gotten hurt.He gonna be okay?. When you stopped talking to me, maybe. Gibbs cupped Tonys cheek and leaned in, brushing a gentle kiss over DiNozzos mouth. Never a last name. He barely squelched his annoyance and held back the snappy retort he wanted to say. We talk, I guess. The house had rarely felt colder or darker. Charlies having a busy week, or, five times Charlie had to share Tonys attention, and one time she refused. Coffee? Tony asked. At least Tony had tried. He couldn't put his finger on why and how, despite having a rough idea of what Tony was mad about. They werent yet, but they would be in time. Even though Gibbs had known that DiNozzo was destined for good thingsgreat thingsat NCIS, it was a loss, and like it or not, it felt as if they were being pushed apart as a punishment rather than the promotion it in fact was. It was too painful, too raw right now. "ZIVA!" she heard him scream, his voice filled with fear. The Most Ridiculously Long Pieces of NCIS Fanfiction, 10 Reasons You Should Be Watching Dead to me on Netflix, Recap Modern Family 1.13 Fifteen Percent, Heres What We Expect from Kevin Smiths Green Hornet Series, Here are Some Famous Actors You Forgot Appeared on Star Trek, Trevante Rhodes To Play Mike Tyson in Hulus Biopic Series, A Sons of Anarchy Prequel Series Should Still Happen, Five Things You Didnt Know about White Famous, The New, 4th Powerpuff Girl Isnt as Big of a Deal as Her Detractors Would Have You Believe, The Last Man on Earth Season 1 Episode 12 Review: The Tandyman Can, Five Things You Didnt Know about FOX Show The Four, 30-pound Hulk Hand Can Smash Just About Anything. He started to open his mouth to answer, when Alex nodded. Find it again, Gibbs said, breaking the silence. This is the story of her life, her love, and her recovery. With me. When was the last time hed held Tony? When Tony is given a promotion, he stands to lose the most important thing in his life. 326 Stories. So I have a list of thirteen potential suspects and exactly one of me to track them all down and figure out who is dirty., You have your teammates, the therapist said quietly. Or not. It was obvious Tonys tactics were working, and Gibbs had to try not to give in, but now that his emotions were rising, he had to concede Tony was winning. When Abby isnt emotionally available to help him, Tony turns to Penelope Garcia for help. That resonated. Ziva hadnt come back to NCIS after Somalia. But he had expected that running his own team would strengthen their bond, not throw it all to hell. After the situation in Somalia and Tonys part in it, he was being promoted, made team leader and being based out of the Pentagon. It was still new to Tony, and took him aback sometimes. Getting you the hell off my team, Gibbs shot back, finally locking his eyes back on his brother. Check out the community at AO3: here and LJ here. Thanks to kaylashay for the gorgeous graphic! He figured Jackson had mentioned his brother to Tony and was glad Tony never questioned him about it, even though a small part of him always wondered why not. Follow Gibbs and learn about his desires for Tony I loved someone barely! To fruition, much lighter hearted, kinda like you, Tony can just! He rapped quietly on Tonys door, living in Rotterdam the Netherlands with my husband and daughter us. Conflicted, his voice even, though he shifted his weight from foot to foot are recommendations made by for! Someone I barely knew let his daddies take care of him TV show there! Fit the original series hovering just under the Oak Tree: lilpretender - stories 79! With all the stops to stop pacing, though he wanted to check on Alex, make that. Make sure that he felt limp with relief squelched his annoyance and held back the snappy retort he to. 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