. This method is great for beginners. Heat causes the soap to expand, so much so that a crack can occur (shown below). Can you tell me a bit more about your recipe as well? Can you tell me a bit more about your recipe, including ingredients, the temperatures you soaped at, how long you stick blended for and how you stored the soap? Read more about sodium lactate here: http://www.soapqueen.com/bramble-berry-news/sunday-night-spotlight-sodium-lactate/, You can also water discount your soap! The soap has cured between 1-3 weeks so far. If melt and pour soap gets too hot, it can burn. I did not use honey or glycerin.I have an allergy to Shea butter,that is similar to latex and some reason coconut oil I was itching very badly last week. How much should I be using per pound of soap? Hmm, thats strange! I have experienced plenty of soapy mess ups and still learn new tricks of the trade when soaping. (2) is it how all the soaps in stores left to dry and strong for a month or two, before marketing? Soap with DOS my also develop an unpleasant odor. is it possible to save coconut oil that was mixed with something other than lye? We put them in the moulds anyway and when I took them out this morning they had some liquid droplets in them which splashed into my cut and hurt A LOT. nastrojena, kao da je re o najstrunijem i najpreciznijem moguem projektu As long as there are no lumps that soap should be safe to use! I would like to attach a picture but cant seem to attach it or copy and paste. Poured half of FO on each, mixed a little, then poof! I stuck a toothpick in it and the center seems to be hardening but the top layer is still very liquid. The bars have a rusticappearance and a less smooth texture than cold process. Half of it will fall apart if not handled carefully. Im stumped! First batch crumbled second is doing ok,,,,,, however I know it is lye heavy. Let me know and well get this figured out. I am not sure why my cured soaps starts dripping oil after a few months. Norovirus is not a new virus, and according to health experts, it's common during the colder, winter months. I find that using 99% alcohol vs. the 92% makes a big difference in reducing or eliminating soda ash. Has anyone ever ran into this and can you shed any light? I haven't been soaping lately. If you are worried about your soap being lye heavy, check out this blog post to test the pH using strips, cabbage or even your tongue. I dont know why and feel confuse now. Thank you again, You can use a hot process method to speed up the saponification! Came out good, not perfectly clear etc but has been a great first start for me. I waited as long as I could to avoid losing my orange valencia EO (my soap was about 160 degrees F when I started to add color/EOs), and I even used a saltwater mix acting as sodium lactate (I think it really did help), but my end product has a lumpy, uneven surface indicative of partial cooling as it was going in the mold. This minimizes the cracked look and helps adhere the two sides back together. Measure out 1tsp of mica (if using) and add it directly into the oils. But this last one is really a mess. Or do you see any orange spots on your bars? Is there a quicker way to dry these bars? , Hello! The fisrt one recipe is your crisp cotton swirl cold process. Im a newbie to soap making and just made my first batch a couple of weeks ago. Once the soap has been poured into the mold, tap the mold firmly on the counter to release more bubbles that may be in the batter. Or, are they the same color as your soap? Thin trace can be used to make swirls, while thick trace creates soap frosting. Some soapers swear by it and use it to prolong essential oils??? Like all oils, palm oil is made up of various fatty acids. The lieces are soft enough for me to stick them back into the main bar though. They are only visible on the areas where I cut my soap but it makes them look and feel rough. Thanks for your help! How to Fix it: Soaping around 120F or above will help decrease the chances of deep soda ash within your bar. . Hi, if ricing occurs in soap and we didnt blend it out to smooth it, is the soap still safe to use? Whats That All Over My Soap? Soda Ash I pour the soup in the mold and put it in the oven for an even warming. every time i add the lye it ether immediately gets so thick I cant use the stick blender or it take FOREVER to trace and instead of tracing it separates theres always this weird grainy stuff on the top and melted oils underneath after what seems like eternity its will start to thicken up but its like mashed potatoes except is smooth and instead of cooling down is heating up with out me doing anything to it except stirring! Thanks Kathy. Im still perplexed as to why the soap crumbled. You can alsso spray freshly-cracked-yet-cooled soap with rubbing alcohol, cover the crack with plastic wrap and gently rub the crack out. Do you notice it lasting longer than a couple of days? For instance, if the oils and lye water are fairly hot and then the soap is put into the refrigerator. previe Yippee! Three cheers for instant gratification - hot process soap can be cut within one dayand used right away. When working with beeswax, we recommend having the lye water and oils at 170F. Also, are the bumps white? DOS usually appears a few weeks or months after the soap is made. So I went on Internet in search of an explanation and after reading a few articles and a lot of comments on Soap Making forums, I figured, Notice the small drops of oil on the surface, If acceleration occurs and you keep mixing it it might, If you know that certain fragrances you use behave badly in soap making, there are things you can do to try and, However, if some of these disasters happen to you. , Learn more about formulating cold process recipes here: http://www.soapqueen.com/bath-and-body-tutorials/tips-and-tricks/formulating-cold-process-recipes/. What could make it change up like that? kuvanj . Can you tell me more about your recipe, including the oils, water and lye used? Glycerin is a natural humectant, and is added to melt and pour soap during the manufacturing process. The base is not fully customizable. The second recipe i used is your perfect palm free for intricate design but i had sunflower oil instead of chia oil/hempseed oil. To see this process in action, check out this Soap Queen TV video. If its dangerous or caustic at all, you may need to toss the coconut oil. Im not sure it is fixable since I sprinkled mica on the top.. Im terrified to unmold and because I dont want to find glycerin rivers! Cold process soap takes about 4-6 weeksto cure. Thank you! Soap that contains too much colorant is safe to use on the body, but could potentially stain wash cloths. Luckily, soap that contains an incorrect amount of fragrance oil is often fine to use! Ill cut a loaf of soap and each bar is nice and smooth, but a day or two later, swirls develop ridged outlines where different colors meet up with one another, or one color within the bar suddenly looks like it has acne while the rest is smooth. Lavender Absolute It sounds like youve found a great way to prevent pesky soda ash. The others i have just bought from local cosmetic suppliers. That helps it saponify more quickly. . Thanks. I made a cold process with a recipe I use all the time. Unless stated otherwise, all images are original material and are copyrighted. The additional heat speeds up the saponification process. Crafters Choice Lye flakes that I purchased from Bull Apothecary with a coupon. You can definitely use that for laundry soap if you like! Today I looked at it again, and realized that there are puddles of oil just below the surface of the loaf. The River Runs Deep: An Explanation of Glycerin Rivers On the orange colored soap it is darker orange, and on the black soap, it is darker black in irregular blotchy patches. But would you know the cause? ~ * ~ 2. Incorrect Fragrance Oil Amount Rainbow series. Cold Process Although this process is known as the cold process it still involves some heat. Those oils are nice and moisturizing! Then, the soap itself will still be lye heavy and can irritate or burn the skin. Thank you! Thanks! Try creating a strongly scented lavender essential oil soap by adding patchouli, sandalwood or cedarwood essential oil as a base note, and a touch of lemon or peppermint for the top note. Do you know what could cause them? Sunday Night Spotlight: 99% Isopropyl Alcohol: http://www.soapqueen.com/bramble-berry-news/sunday-night-spotlight-99-isopropyl-alcohol/, Also, thanks so much for your awesome tips! If its still pretty fresh, you may give it another day or two! . How long are you letting the soap cure? Youre tutorials was very helpful for me thank you very much I was thinking,how water get in if I didnt use water? Even better news is that you can get rid of it! Click here to learn more about how to prevent DOS. After Megan's If you prefer a harder bar, I would recommend increasing the hard oils. Im determined to make this soap again. Hot process soap involves emulsifying oils and lye, then continuing to cook the soap. It cools and hardens quickly. Glycerin rivers are all throughout this soap, which was made with titanium dioxide and high temperatures. On both batches left out 9.9 oz of olive oil. How to Fix it: If the soap has been made, the only way to fix this is to chop up the soap into confetti or chunks and embed the over-colored soap into other batches of soap like in this confetti soap tutorial. Ricing is shown on the left, seizing is demonstrated on the right. Some fo's can cause separation. Luckily, air bubbles are easy to avoid. , Also, Amanda with Lovin Soap has an awesome blog post that talks about how to neutralize liquid soap using citric acid. Thanks so much for that recipe! Soap Won't Reach Trace (I ran the recipe on BB lye calculater but as 40% OO.. If the pH is safe to use, the crumbly texture could also be caused by soaping with cool temperatures. How to Fix it: Luckily, soda ash is easy to remove. Talk about hours of entertainment! I made soap for the first time. Saponification - Saponification is a chemical reaction between fatty acids ( soapmaking oils) and a caustic soda solution (lye or NaOH) that produces a salt (soap!) Soap Behaving Badly I am experimenting with gel phase lately. When soap is made with too much lye, it is called lye-heavy. This means there is extra, free floating lye that was not made into soap during the saponification process. Glycerin Dew (aka: Sweating) When lye is mixed with water it creates its own heat. One used cocoa powder. Place your oils and butters into the freezer to extend the shelf life. Does your recipe have any salt? How could I save them? Making Natural Deodorant is not the Pitts! It's difficult (but not impossible) to add fresh ingredients like milk and purees; they tend to scorch during the cooking process. It looks SO gross, let's see if this professional (ahem) can get herself out of this pickle! A big batch of hot process soap coming in at 200 F ( 93 C) could severely burn you, both thermally and chemically depending on the stage of saponification. If at First You Dont Succeed, Soap Soap Again! Would you say this was because of the FO or simply the amount of lye might have been off? That means they may be rancid. If the soap if underfragranced, add more fragrance oil once the soap has reached the texture of mashed potatoes during the rebatch process. Exercise caution: respect the ingredients and method. Its so frustrating trying to figure out where I went wrong. Soaps with a lot of soft oils can take awhile to thicken and get to trace. Just to confirm, you waited about 24 hours before cutting the soap? But for all the others, they crumbled to pieces or is so goopy, it wont harden although I left out for a week. Do you know if there is an additive in the sodium lactate youre using? This week's podcast is a solo episode with Tiffany. When we went to add them to the lye mixture they both cooled too quickly and became like cake batter (so hard to tell if they saponified and reached trace). When melt and pour soap is left in the open, glycerin draws moisture from the air and onto the soap. When I went to check it the next day, I noticed there was a bit of oiliness around the sides of the soap, between the soap and the mold. Cracking Tops/ Overheating When I unmold my soap it gets a little oily on the bottom. ) Hmm, Im not sure why thats happening! However, as long as there are no streaks of oil, the batter should be emulsified. Seizing is when the soap becomes extremely thick rather quickly and is unable to be worked with (shown on the right). 1/2 tsp Kaolin clay for 16oz oils. I would recommend contacting the manufacturer to see what they sent you. when it cooled in the crockpot it separated from each other. That way I can help you troubleshoot, and what to do with the soap now. Is there no other ways of making a soap to be strong within 2 or 3 days?. *cut up bits* It's great for beginners because the base is already made. Looking forward to resolving my soap dilemma. If your fragrance or essential oil has a low flashpoint, some makers find the higher temperatures canburn offthe fragrance, causing it to fade. This is done right after cutting by setting the soap on a stainless steel, wooden or plastic rack. Virgin Coconut 15% (105g) I have a whole pound of this stuff and im wasting fragrance oils and oils . You can use our Fragrance Calculator to find out how much to add. , Learn more about storing your soap here: http://www.soapqueen.com/bath-and-body-tutorials/tips-and-tricks/how-to-store-handmade-bath-products/. The Dark Rich Chocolate Fragrance Oil has 15.9% vanilla content. I just made a few soaps and when I unmolded them they were oily. I managed to cut most of it into bars though. This is going to be a loooooooooong blog post..so long in fact, that I I have researched this but i cant find anybody who has had this problem. If it has a lot of olive oil, for instance, the batter can have a yellow hue to it. Can I grate it and use it as confetti is a new cold processed batch ? 10%Shea. HELP! The good news is lye heavy recipes make great laundry soap! I have one question can I melt my could processed soap before soaponification, 24-48h after making, to speed up proces? What is in your recipe? When I poured the lye into the oils I poured it through a sifter just to make sure there was no undissolved lye present. Some soap can take weeks to unmold depending on a variety of factors so you may just have to wait it out too. I made two soaps with fragrance oil, one with essential oil and a oatmeal soap. Begin adding the color into your soap 1/2 teaspoon at a time until your desired color is reached. They can provide very strong color, or they can be used in smaller amounts to provide pastel tones. As the soap cooks, it expands. , https://contogeorgis. 10 Essential Oils for Soap Making. I think that will be helpful! If the soap has been overfragranced, this is a great time to use any soap scraps or rebatch soap you may have on hand. I guess its normal for some soaps to dry longer in between uses depending on the recipe. When it's time to add the fragrance at light trace, add the oil-fragrance mixture. I did not know about the zap test or about being lye heavy although this one seems good doing the zap test. I then transition to a wooden spoon and after continuing to stir it turns shiny and more fluffy which is usually when i put it in the mold because it looks like extremely thick patrolium jelly so i assumed it was ready. . I notice today at the bottom of the underside looking at the bottom of the glass small dish was water! the strangest thing keeps happening to my soaps when I use titanium dioxide. Appreciate you taking time to reply to me and thanks for the advice and link , Hello Because of the possibility of overflow, its important to not leave it unattended. Hope it will solve itself. When melt and pour soap is left in the open, glycerin draws moisture from the air and onto the soap. Just glop that soap in the mold and be prepared for an extremely hot gel phase; seizing and hot soap go hand in hand. Hmm, the lumps could be several things! If youd like soap thats ready to use in just a day, I would recommend melt and pour soap! I dont mind it being a white liquid soap, if it can be used. Below is the recipe percentage: Pure Olive 32% (230g) Several factors can cause crumbly soap, including sodium lactate. What are your suggestions moving forward? Im really heart broken. It can sometimes cause clumping. What's your favorite method? Im thinking it may be soda ash from the salt water. The lye and oils were around 115 degrees when I mixed and it took quiet a while to trace. Once the soap dries thoroughly, it is fine but it takes longer than normal for the outside layer to harden back up. 390g water, Because your recipe contains a lot of olive oil, it will be softer and take longer to cut! To avoid glycerin rivers, decrease your soaping temperatures and/or also decrease the water amount in your soap. Fragrance oils can react with the high pH of cold process soap in negative ways, causing acceleration, ricing, or seizing. In other words they all turned out to soft to take out of the mold. How to Fix it: To speed up the unmolding process for an extremely soft recipe use sodium lactate in the lye water at a rate of 1 tsp. Then, you can mix 1 teaspoon of titanium dioxide to 1 tablespoon of a lightweight oil, like sweet almond oil. The base has already gone through saponification, so working with lye is not required. I wanted a pure white soap so I placed it in the freezer for about 4 hours because I did not want it to go through a gel phase. First, purchase pre-made blocks of uncolored, unscented soap "base" from a craft store or soap supplier. Soda ash is caused by teensy amounts of unsaponified lye coming in contact with carbon dioxide in the air. My worry with using that soap as dish soap is that it may irritate your hands as youre washing dishes. Back in the days before stick blenders, mixing was a problem, leaving the soap in layers of grease and lye. Let me know if the different oils help! Soap Challenge Club - Juni 2020 Also, check out the Tips & Tricks section of the blog to see a wide variety of in-depth posts about these soapy problems. Hot process soap is a fantastic method to create homemade soap from scratch. The absolute may be separating because its not meant for use in balms. EVOO 8% (50g) It seems hard to figure out what caused this. (total of 700g oil) cancer Eccomi di nuovo qui, miei cari amici, per portarvi una ventata di aria Typically, sodium lactate shouldnt cause that batch to seize. You may want to try a skin-safe essential oil intended for balms. The third one recipe is your beautiful swirl but i used sweet almond instead of hazelnut oil. health risks involved with using antiperspirants and their link to breast My problem has been, glycerin sweat. , Liquid glycerin: https://www.brambleberry.com/Glycerin-Liquid-P5965.aspx. You can read more about fragrance discoloration in this post: http://www.soapqueen.com/bath-and-body-tutorials/tips-and-tricks/why-did-my-soap-turn-brown/. To read more about what causes soda ash and remove it, check out this blog post. Oh no! For your next batch, if you want to keep the soap a nice yellow color, you can use a non-discoloring fragrance. I've been honored to be invited to participate in Brambleberry's Soap the Is that dreaded orange spot or sweating? It works really well and the shreds hold up nicely in the new batch. Because that smell is happening in multiple batches, Im wondering if its the oils. Non, non et non. . The full day . Let me know and well get this figured out. Once I left out palm oil, which was 30% of my recipe. Thats probably places where the fo separated from the batter or didnt mix well enough because of the ricing/acceleration you had. The EU considers an essential oil usage rate of 3% or less safe in wash-off products like soap. Youre welcome! Another option is to rebatch the soap. Just make sure to have99% isopropyl alcoholnearby so the layers stick together. You can see how to do that here: http://www.soapqueen.com/bath-and-body-tutorials/tips-and-tricks/test-ph-red-cabbage/. Use it for laundry soap or reuse in another soap? Ser que vai dar certo?! I have noticed no strange from the oils and butters. FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- A stomach bug is spreading across the Central Valley. After 4-6 weeks, the entire bar should be firm to the touch. It doesnt affect the final bar, but it can form ash on the top and make it crumbly. The bars have less water to evaporate, meaning they will harden and cure faster. Learn more about it here: http://www.soapqueen.com/bath-and-body-tutorials/melt-and-pour-soap/free-beginners-guide-to-soapmaking-melt-and-pour/, Hello! Im sorry about that Charity! 4.78 oz. How much clay did you add? And find soap making supplies here. The result is the appearance of moisture, tears, sweating or dew drops on the melt and pour. If after 7-14 days the soap is still soft, it is unlikely to harden. Unlike all of the other lavenders, Lavender Absolute is not steam distilled. I had put it in my warmed (and turned off) oven to make sure it gelled. Sama. If you are curious about the shelf life of common soapmaking oils, check out this blog post. Titanium dioxide and sodium lactate have very subtle smells, so I dont think theyre causing that smell. To be extra sure, I would recommend pH testing the soap. Take several ounces (about four times the amount of the fragrance oil) of warmed oils out of your soap pot before you put the lye in. I made some Castile (with glycerin) 2 months back and it has been great used a little coconut 72 so it had some mild sudsing. Spreading across the Central Valley can occur ( shown on the left, seizing is when soap... A rusticappearance and a less smooth texture than cold process with a lot of olive,... You waited about 24 hours before cutting the soap crumbled % vanilla content an essential and. Unlike all of the ricing/acceleration you had,,,,,,,,,,! 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