believe the moon has a lot to do with deer movement. November 2 to 7 could be really good this year, especially if you get cold weather, he says. But if you find yourself away from the rutting action, it makes for some long, frustrating sits. Despite this, science as a whole has yet to accept it as fact. Welcome. The ability to locate a deers bedding or feeding areas is still difficult to determine, despite the use of GPS collars in many deer. Flip through the early pages of the National Deer Association's 2021 Deer Report and you'll see the positive news that hunters are finding success tagging whitetails. Thank you for reading my article! The eclipse blocks out most of the light that normally strikes the Moon, but a small amount of light makes it to the moon anyway, giving it a reddish hue. But what fun is it to only explore the conventional? Sneak in and hang a fresh ambush stand 100 to 150 yards off a corn or bean field, back in a secluded, thick funnel that leads out to a spot where does go to feed. The evening of November 3rd found me perched in my Lone Wolf, overlooking a variety of Ravish Radishes, Tall Tine Tubers, and Winter Peas. NASA is in crisis as the Soviets land the first man on the moon in 1969, the beginning of an alternate history. As a result, this time of the month can be a good time to hunt mature bucks. This means that technically the second full moon after the autumn equinox doesnt land until November 19th. With the help of my good friends in Illinois, our Whitetail Institute plot was tucked in a very secluded spot and got hit pretty hard by late October. In October 2022, the Hunters Moon will appear twice. I am a college student, writer, and an avid outdoorsman in the great state of Georgia. How Many Whitetail Bucks Do Hunters Kill Across America? Personally, Ive enjoyed tremendous success the last decade planning my trips far from home. Looking back to my notes and all the research Ive done over the years, its a fact that many huge bucks are killed every season during the seeking phase of the rut the first week of November. This is when bucks are actively seeking out does in order to mate. He is a longtime contributor to Outdoor Life, and the host/producer of Big Deer TV on the Sportsman Channel. Advertisement. Traditionally, Junes full Moon falls at the end of spring and begins the summer season. HOW IT WORKS - Moon governs the movement of water on our planet causing high and low tides. Access the newest seasons of MeatEater, save content, and join in discussions with the Crew and others in the MeatEater community. So if that pattern repeats this year, it would mean that after an exciting late October again, the end of our bow season should be hot too, with deer activity going down the rabbit hole around Veterans Day (like this past year which saw a significant downward spiral of action in the second week of November.). March 7. Any thoughts? If you have your sights on a particular big buck, you might want to consider scheduling your trip a bit earlier. Day Best Overall Time to Fish or Hunt Overhead/Underfoot Periods Minor Periods Moon/Sun Details; Saturday Feb 18: Morning (10:00am - 12:30pm) Very Good All Day He also says you can predict breeding by moon too but I have not paid attention to that long enough to form an opinion. Bowhunting and Archery Information Article. I put most of my faith in facts proven by the best science out there; that most breeding is happening somewhere in the middle of November and that the majority of seeking, chasing, and all of that fun stuff will likely happen in the weeks surrounding it. As a result, morning hunts are likely to be more successful. The view in the sky is striking because the usually dark moon appears to be lit up by the sun. ". In some studies, the new moon is shown to increase deer movement and is the best moon phase to hunt. The 2021 Rutting Moon Scrapes. The Deer Hunter's MoonGuide tells you the best days, times and locations to encounter a mature buck on his feet during daylight hours. I have hunted for over 15 years now, and my goal is to continue to learn as much as I can about hunting and the outdoors and then be able to pass that knowledge onto my readers. It's not related to the moon's phase. According to Kenyon, hunters frequently prefer a rising or setting moon, which occurs in the middle of the day and evening. The Conventional Wisdom As the giant worked his way along the edge of the plot, coming closer with each step, I could hear more deer coming from behind me. The rut is most active at the start of the day, when bucks are at their happiest. If you are after a specific buck, hopefully, you have his pattern down and know where his core area is. The new format of the app is truly revolutionary, and its a gamechanger. ", Our Greatest day in whitetail country. If we had a very late rut as in the first scenario, fawns would not hit the ground until well into the summer, missing the best grazing and being too small to handle a tough, early winter. Even though it was unseasonably warm for early November, I knew everything was lined up for a great week of hunting. Week of November 1: First-Quarter Moon. The boys have bred a doe or two and are run down, but theyre ready and willing to breed one last doe that will stand. Late October cold fronts are the best chance you have at killing a mature buck, especially if he is normally nocturnal. So if you notice that the moon is overhead at 20:00 one evening, it will be overhead at 20:52 the next evening, then 21:44, 22:36 and so on. Save your delivery addresses and payment methods securely to check out in just a few taps. The last article said it had more to do with the position of the moon relative to the Earth and not the phase, and of course, they had data to back that up. Through the annual publication of Alsheimers predictions and recommendations in Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine, the theory lives on. A high, stable barometer is also a good choice for hunting, as we discovered that whitetails move best when the pressure ranges between 29.90 and 30.30 inches. Registration on or use of this site constitutes acceptance of our Terms of Service. It ups the Shiny rate for Eggs by a ton, all the way from 1/8192 to 1/1638, and since it deals with Eggs, the method can be used with any breedable Pokmon. Best Deer Hunting Times for: Beverly Hills, CA 90210 (local time shown) Elevation: 267 feet. But hang tough in a stand for as long as you can hack it. Because this rutting moon date is so much later than the typical peak rutting period you may have deer triggering off of two different full moons. Looks like Oct 11th this year will be the day for the best evening moon. There is a "blood moon" when the moon is in a total lunar eclipse. You can use the MoonGuide calendar to plan your deer hunting trips in advance, and it will show you the best days, times, and locations to hunt. Published Sep 27, 2022 10:57 AM EDT. Even nocturnal bucks will come out during this time, which is ideal for hunting. 6 Awesome Skinning Knives for Small Game[Hands-on Review]. As the time of daylight shrinks leading into the fall, testosterone and estrogen levels in deer rise correspondingly, eventually leading to a threshold that triggers breeding activity. If you hunt this week, Drury and I believe that your best shot to see a mature buck prowling for a doe is in the afternoons when the moon will rise from 2:40 p.m. until about 5 p.m. Hunt your best stands around food sources. The Deer Hunters Moon Guide is an online resource that provides information on when the best time to hunt is based on the lunar cycle. The next full moon is in fall 2022. Here are some helpful tips: For hunting in the fall, the best times are in early morning and late afternoon. This makes for ideal hunting conditions as the deer are more likely to be up and moving around during the hours when hunters are able to be out in the woods. This happens when the Earth is perfectly in between the sun and the moon, which blocks most of the light from reflecting off the moon. Make sure you have a good hunting rifle with a scope, adequate ammunition, and a comfortable location to stand. By Chelsea Gohd. The most convenient way to plan hunting dates. Older post If there is good weather or even high barometric pressure, that is going to make deer move regardless of the moon phase. This is later than usual, so what we potentially have here is what Alsheimer has previously referred to as a trickle rut. A common misconception is that deer see better at night because its brighter when the moon is full, said the scientists. GET THE MAGAZINE Subscribe & Save. My plan was to be there for the Red Moon hitting November 3rd through the 7th. In North America, the peak of the whitetail deer rut usually occurs during the month of November. It might be a load of hogwash. The Rutting Moon Theory The Rutting Moon Theory was popularized several decades ago by the late Charles Alsheimer and wildlife biologist Wayne Laroche and has maintained relevancy ever since. Otherwise, I hope you have a great day, and check out some of my other articles while youre here! Its a good time to plan your hunting trip around the next red moon. Through the annual publication of Alsheimer's predictions and recommendations in Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine, the theory lives on.The idea which originated from a number of studies (non-peer reviewed . The MoonGuide utilizes elements such as the moon's . While the rut is still going on, mock scrape work by attracting curious bucks. This light makes the moon appear red, just like the sky during these times. By 3:45 a.m. it will have passed into the inner, darker shadow, the umbra . Best Deer Hunting Times for: Beverly Hills, CA 90210 (local time shown) Elevation: 267 feet. And thank God we dont, because where would the fun be in that? So, if youre just hoping that the breeding phase of mid November pulls a mature deer out of the cover and in front of your stand, this period may be your best bet. If you hunt this week, theres one more thing to consider: On or about November 14, deer sightings and overall movement might get more and more sporadic as bucks start to lock down with does. The harvest moon rises on September 10 at 5:59 a.m. Eastern. Now at the edge of the timber once again, the giant stared intently at the group of does filtering through the woods behind me, it was now or never! Im not taking any chances on missing it. Since then, amateur astronomers have been counting the days for the . Deer are rhythmic pattern feeders and forage at varying levels of intensity 5 times per day. I believe that triggering factor is the Red Moon. Good luck this season, send me a picture! On Thursday morning, Nov. 11, 2021, the Moon will appear half-full as it reaches its first quarter at 7:46 a.m. EST. The Deer Hunters' MoonGuide is here to help. The best hunting app Ive ever used: For over a dozen years, Ive used the MoonGuide app to hunt and kill more than 20 mature bucks. In North America, the peak of the whitetail deer rut usually occurs during the month of November. Sure, big bucks have been killed on days that the moon guide says are good but big bucks have also been killed on days the moon guide says there are less than favorable conditions. Latitude: 34.096629 Longitude: -118.41242. . The key to this; there are only a handful of days each month when these peak activity times occur at primetime, when deer normally want to move anyway. 2021 Ultimate PrimeTimes software for PCs. This year I think any day from November 8 through 14 could be good to great for deer movement from midmorning to early afternoon, especially if its cold with high-pressure, says Drury. Nov 5, 2022. Oak Duke writes a weekly column appearing on the Outdoors page. Obviously, there are more big deer killed during the peak of the rut than any other time of the year. This is an optical illusion that our brain plays on our eyes. Specifically, the second full moon after the autumn equinox is believed to be what gets things firing on all cylinders. In some cases, a lower-cost product may have the same features as a higher-cost one. Anytime you hunt rutting deer, youve got a decent shot to see and shoot a big buck. Nonetheless, hunters will be adamant in their disagreement over the data. This is because of the moons relative low position on the horizon next to earthly objects. The full moon in March is the Snow Moon. If you want to increase your odds for success on your big game hunt this fall, you had better take the moon into consideration. Additionally, the Lunation number (Brown Lunation . What Causes Bucks to Have Weak Brow Tines or No Brows? To be honest, moon guides are hit and miss. | The Deer Hunters Moon Guide shows you the best days, times, and locations to encounter a buck on his feet during daylight hours. And as predicted, we had two main rutting flurries last season, one in late October/early November and then a second rutting peak/movement in late November, each coinciding with the two full moons (the Halloween blue moon and the November 30 full moon.) Ol Split ( ) Toes . Most theories related to the moon are based on the fact that the moon, when in a certain position, has a natural pull on deer to encourage movement. But oftentimes one of the most important clues left by deer are ignored. The best hunting areas are those on the edges of wooded areas and in open areas with clearings. Beds. You can bet Ill be camped out in a morning stand on a ridge blazed with rubs and scrapes deep in the timber. The best time of day to hunt deer in a wooded area: here are the best phases. Definition: Also known as a sanguine or "blood" moon, the term "Hunters Moon" is used traditionally to refer to a full moon that appears during the month of October. This bright Moon is associated with hunting season, autumnal equinox, and the turning of the leaves in fall. (CNN) Lunar lovers, grab a cozy spot outside and set your sights to the southeast to gaze upon July's full moon, dubbed the "buck" moon, as it rises . Track daily field observations and store them in your hunting journal! The red moon is a natural landmark, and historically, hunters would wait for it to mark the beginning of hunting season. Looking back to my notes and all the research Ive done over the years, it is fact that many huge bucks are killed every season during the seeking phase of the rut the first week of November. Last year I managed to wrap a tag around my biggest Illinois buck to date following this exact strategy. 2022 In-Fisherman Bass Guide Gear Box. The May 2022 Red Moon (or . But I know were onto something. One was a giant 7 point that had to 5-6 years old, definitely mature, and a great sign of things to come. the Deer Society crew in between videos and hunts at: Deer Society Facebook Deer Society Instagram Deer Society Website Illusion Systems for product information and inquiries: Illusion Systems Facebook Illusion Systems Instagram Illusion Systems Website you have a hunt you would like featured on the Deer Societys Viewer Submission video series? Oct 24, 2022. Get settled on stand early and watch hard that first hour. In the past few weeks I talked about hunting the Opener and the October Lull, both have there own unique characteristics and offer the hunter an opportunity to tag a good deer, but I believe they pale in comparison to the last 10 days of October! Before purchasing a warranty, you should determine the length of the coverage. For centuries, people have used the red moon to determine the best time of year to hunt. The first 2 bucks through the plot showed up extremely early and they were on a mission, never even stopping to eat. Adam Hays, host of Team 200 TV and the successful hunter of three 200-inch bucks, is a firm believer in this theory. Land Growing: How to Flip . A common misconception is that deer see better at night because its brighter when the moon is full, but according to a study conducted at NC State they actually move less on average at night during a full moon and more during the middle of the day, and also earlier in the evenings. Updated for 2021. In the article that I linked above, I went through three different studies about how the moon affects whitetail from three different respected universities. Thursday's eclipse will begin at 1:02 a.m. EDT when the moon slips into Earth's penumbra, the outer part of the shadow. Young skygazers will find The Moon Phases For Deer Hunting to be a fascinating nonfiction book. This is the month when the game is fattened, and it is time to start preparing for the coming winter. A heck of a lot of hunters believe in it, including some who have studied it rather closely and claim to have used it to their benefit. This 170-inch buck taken last fall during the November red moon indicates that it's an effective way to plan. Please sign up to the email list above to be notified when a guide position opens. Hunting / By Rhino Girl. | The Nation's Leading Bowhunting Website We all try and schedule our hunting excursions around factors like breeding season and the weather, but if youre not including the moons effect on all animals, you should reconsider. Jeff Murray was one of the first to make an impact on the moon phase and deer movement. Those magical days of the rut can happen at any time, regardless of what any calendar, moon chart, or forecast tells me. The rut is a mysterious thing. Hunters Journal: Keep track of field . According to my stat sheet, trail cam evidence, and writings, the rut peaked first on Oct. 28that year. Those precious few weeks each year are the best time to notch your tag on a mature buck. February 2023. And its honestly the reality of the situation for any whitetail expert out there telling you otherwise. A study found that at night, the human body moved 200 feet per hour, while at day, the body moved 165 feet per hour. In 2021 we have an interesting situation as the fall equinox is on September 22, just three days after the prior full moon. Science as a whole fails to accept that the moon has any effect on how whitetail deer move. While plenty of them come to convincing conclusions, most of them do not agree with each other. This explains why its become known as the hunters moon.. A Blood Moon is a very rare event, involving a total lunar eclipse which takes a reddish color. For those of us used to hunting in elevated treestands, a ground blind provides a new perspective on hunting. The most recent biological data is clear, as shown in the graph below. So conventional wisdom points to peak rut action occurring somewhere during those first couple weeks of November, with outside factors such as weather conditions or hunting pressure likely impacting how much of that activity is visible during the daylight. One article said that deer definitely move more during a new moon, and they had data to back that up. The moon more or less moves these times back or forth slightly. The deer reduction zone season is Sept. 15, 2022 through Jan. 31, 2023. Personally, I do not hunt based on moon guides. So science as a whole has struggled to come to a general consensus on how the moon affects whitetail, but many hunters have had personal experiences that will make them always believe the moon has a lot to do with deer movement. These typical pieces of sign left behind by deer often get the lions share of attention from hunters and hunting writers. Digital Now Included! Share this. They often relied on this red moon to tell them when the best time to start hunting was, so it became known as the hunters moon. By now, most mature bucks have been pressured a little or a lot, and are skittish. The Illusion Systems Extinguisher Deer Call is one of the most popular deer calls available. 2023 Doug Hannon Moon Clock It will rise at the same time the following night and for several nights afterwards. View owner details; name, address, acreage. As featured in Petersen's Bowhunting magazine (2019 & 2020 Whi Its that time of the year again when everybody has the same question, whats the best week this year to plan my guided or out of state hunt? Here are some helpful tips: For hunting in the fall, the best times are in early morning and late afternoon. The NC State study found that during the first-quarter, when the moon is 90 degrees away from the sun and is half-illuminated, deer move less on average throughout the day than in all the other phases. Andy Murrays book, Moon Phase Whitetail Hunting, will help you learn about the various phases of the moon. The Moon will reach its highest in the sky for the night Thursday morning at 3:36 a.m. with the Pleiades to the upper right, and morning twilight will begin less than 3 hours later at 6:18 a.m. with the Pleiades to the right. I have also written an entire article about the new moon where I compared many studies that you can read here. After that, they will look for a hiding place and ruminate. It is not necessary to feed a deer moon phase in order to meet its nutritional requirements or live normally in the world around it. Hunting weather for deer is influenced by a variety of factors, including visibility, barometric pressure, and wind speed. This is a good week to take off and hunt hard during any year. The guide includes information on the different phases of the moon and how they affect deer behavior. Buck-smelling nights, also known as happy hour, are when bucks go out looking for women before returning to bed. One researcher said, That would be a good seven days to work.. I realize thats not what you want to read, but its the reality of it. The moon turns red during an eclipse as sunlight from the Earth passes through the atmosphere and is projected onto the moon. Check out in just a few taps November 3rd through the annual publication of Alsheimers predictions and recommendations in &... Year will be adamant in their disagreement over the data the length of rut! No Brows Outdoor Life, and writings, the beginning of an alternate history less moves times. A big buck on the moon appear red, just like the is. And writings, the best chance you have your sights on a big! 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