Banshee (Irish origin) refers to a ghost that mourns over someone's inevitable fate. Hes mentioned in Hittite and Assyrian records, and played a huge part in mythology. [4], Another story describes Raijin as a mischief-maker, causing the destruction leading the Emperor to order Sugaru (the God Catcher) to imprison Raijin and deliver him to the in order to stop a storm. 365. 254. Nimue (Celtic origin) is a queen who outgrew the mighty wizard and later became mad without any guidance. He is one of the few Slavic gods for which evidence exists at least as long ago as the 6th century CE. 172. Ceraunoscopy is divination by observing lightning or by listening to thunder. 208. Wele Gumali (African origin) meaning someone who bringing misfortune. They attack with frightening speed, allowing them to do 2 attacks in the time it takes a Warrior to swing his sword. For thousands of years, thunder and lightning were mysterious events, personified as gods to be worshipped or considered the acts of certain angry gods. Ardat Lili (Sumerian origin) is a succubus demon who marries men to inflict their life with devastations. 370. While the beast is generally calm and harmless, during thunderstorms, it becomes agitated and leaps about in trees, fields, and even buildings (trees that have been struck by lightning are said to have been scratched by Raiju's claws). 83. Yalocan Tumulu (Surinam origin) means demon of the night. 9. Perdita (English origin) means 'she who is lost'. Euryale (Greek origin) is the second eldest of the three vicious sisters 'gorgons'. 127. 12. He launcheth the thunder-bolts and smiteth with them whom He will." Samara (Latin origin) means 'seed of elm'. While the Algonquian people regard it as the ancestor of humans, the Lakota people thought it to be the grandson of a sky spirit. Lightning is also known to be invoked upon one's enemies by uttering certain chants, prayers, and making sacrifices. 385. 115. 94. Xa-Mul (Filipino origin) refers to an evil spirit. Mammon (Greek Origin) is associated with an entity characterized by greed for wealth. Durukti (Hindu origin) was demoness in Hindu mythology she was the wife of demon Kali. Patasola (South American origin) a jungle spirit that kills men after seducing them with its beauty. Keron (Hebrew origin) meaning 'rocky island'. 459. 275. 219. 237. 8. Zelda (Japanese origin) are demons who attract monsters and change the behavior of animals. According to Hindu mythology, he was killed by the demon hunter Bhima, who was also a Prince and destroyer of evil. Palden Lhamo (Buddhist origin) means 'warathful diety'. Nelliel Tu Oderschvank (Japanese origin) is a demon with two curvedand sharp horns with a fighting spirit. The thunderbolt became a popular symbol of Zeus and continues to be today. Most of the names for demons, demonesses, fallen angels, and devils come from various demonologies. During the Viking Age, his popularity reached its height and his hammer was worn as charms and amulets. Ghoul (Arabic Origin) is a common name for demons and spirits in popular culture. 306. Ronwe (Christian origin) means 'inferior demon'. 384. Delphyne (Greek origin) is a Delphic serpent that was killed by God. 423. Alastair (Gaelic Origin) was the name of one of the demons in the popular TV show 'Supernatural'. 230. Philippine Journal of Science, 85117. 226. 466. They were tall and thin, with grey or dark, purplish bodies. 411. Philotanus (Irish origin) means 'demon'. Aamon, (Christian Origin) comes from Christian demonology. Aonyb (Japanese origin) She is portrayed as a ghostly figure and is a spirit of poverty and misfortune who stays in an abandoned imperial residencewith untrimmed eyebrows and stained teeth. 376. "Norse Mythology: Items of the Gods and Goddesses",, Hebrew book Shekel Aish discussing lightning,, "cerauno-, kerauno- + (Greek: thunderbolt, thunder, lightning)". 273. They were very fast and would often attack in groups. December 2019 344. 245. He is the patron of thunder and lightning and used to be invoked in order to maintain peace between enemies. It was the name of the protagonist, played by Johnny Depp. The god of thunder and lightning in Shinto Mythology is Raijin () His name means thunder god/ Thunder Kami. 67. 338. Oleander (Greek origin) signifies flower known for its toxicity. One of the dark angel names. Sayah (Arabic origin) means shadow'. 272. 49. Carabia (Hebrew origin) is a demon who can transform any species. Xaphan (Christian origin) meaning someone who starts fire. Jemisha (Sanskrit origin) meaning 'queen of darkness'. Draconcopedes (Greek origin) is a demoness from the tale of Eden, that was a serpent with a female face. One of the most classic portrayals of this is of the Greek god Zeus. 425. 105. August 2020 [1] However, it is also believed that sky being an unexplored territory in and western scientific and technological knowledge had not reached Japan, the mysterious phenomenon of thunder and lightning were attributed to the notoriety of Raiju. Sauda (African origin) meaning 'dark beauty'. Dakini (Hindu origin) was demoness who used to consume human flesh and are drawn to human fragrance. Elsinore (Gothic origin) it is the name of Hamlets castle. 197. Our recommended activities are based on age but these are a guide. Mastema (Hebrew origin) meaning 'hatred'. 307. 270. 253. 173. 199. Pithius (Christian origin) is the prince of hell who is made up of blasphemous tongues. Beleth, (Christian Origin) this demon name also comes from Christian demonology. In the prayer for rain, The angel that fought Jacob was a rainstorm "minister angel, mixed of fire and water". 224. 373. Gaap (Christian Origin) is a type of demon mentioned in the Lesser Key of Solomon. 5. Demonic Lightning Manipulation A thunder demon and a member of the Thunder Demon Tribe, Hiten (InuYasha) had immense control over lightning, being able to create thunderstorms and bolts of lightning with his demonic aura and focus his power into Raigekijin. 279. 387. Huli Jing (Chinese origin) is a fox demon that can change toanyone's appearance. Kidadl provides inspiration to entertain and educate your children. In Christian demonology, he is a Marquis of Hell and rules 40 infernal legions. 64. Netsuke depicting Raijin, by Kaigyokusai Masatsugu (1813-1892). Thyone (Greek origin) is an alternative name for Semele. In an etymological sense, it is Latin for 'demons' so it is one of the best demon names out there. They are a type of Djinns. They are made of wood with paint and are seen with their token talismans, Raijin's drums and Fujin's wind bag.[2]. He is said to be able to see a person's past, present and future. Harionago (Japanese origin) This demon is a long-haired women with hair that looks like thorns, which she would use to capture men. Beelzebub is considered a powerful demon and the patron deity of Ekron, a Philistine city described in the Hebrew Bible. Furfur is a demon appearing in the form of a winged stag. Philippine Sociological Review Vol. 278. Berberoka (Filipino origin) This demoness eats humans alive and changes its size, it is shown luring fishermen in folklore. Moss, C. R. (1924). Raiju is the companion of Raijin, the Shinto god of lightning. 259. 181. The poem Enuma Elish, dating from the reign of Nebuchadrezzar I, says that he was a god of 50 names. Please note that Kidadl is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon. 100. 35. 168. Alichino (Italian Origin) is a demon in Dantes legendary work, 'Inferno'. 88. It was the name of a Greek Primordial demon who represented the night before the chaos. We try our very best, but cannot guarantee perfection. MYTHICAL HYBRIDS. Puck (English origin) means 'mischievous spirit'. Ankareeda (Arabian origin) means night sky. Her skills, yet she can develop a strategy based on information and has foresight. 394. February 2020 Check your inbox for your latest news from us. Alabasandria (Egyptian origin) signifies a demoness leading to miscarriges. He carries a mallet and a drum, which produce thunder, as well as a chisel to punish evildoers. This is a list of legendary creatures from mythology, folklore and fairy tales, sorted by their classification or affiliation. 260. 29. Raijin is usually alongside another god named Fuijin, who was the god/Kami of wind. Philippine Sociological Society. Also spelled Haddu or Hadda, his name probably means thunderer. In Greek mythology, the Elysian Fields, or the Elysian Plains, was the final resting places of the souls of the heroic and the virtuous, evolved from a designation of a place or person struck by lightning, enelysion, enelysios. 400. HoneOnna(Japanese origin) are spirits of women who emerge from the afterlife to visit their deceased loved ones. Shahmaran (Persian origin) A hybrid between a snake and a woman She was the serpents' queen. Although the importance of Indra has since been subsided in favor of other Gods in contemporary Hinduism, he is still venerated and worshipped. Metztli was a deity of the night, the moon, and of farmers. Aosoth (Christian origin) She uses her destructive and passionate power associated with Karma. In Inca religion, Illapa was the thunder god who had control over the weather. 196. Loki, in Norse mythology, a cunning trickster who had the ability to change his shape and sex. Blackheart (English Origin) this creature was a supernatural villain in the 'Marvel comics. 118. In the prayer for rain, The angel that fought Jacob was a rainstorm "minister angel, mixed of fire and water". 140. 369. 227. Iconography of Raijin are often found in Japanese temples and shrines. Philippine Mythology. 159. Dantalion, (Christian Origin) this demon name comes from Christian demonology. 110. However, the cult of Thor was replaced by Christianity by the 12th century CE. [27] This could be a reference to Zeus, the god of lightning, so "lightning-struck" could be saying that the person was blessed (struck) by Zeus (/lightning/fortune). 449. The thunderbolt became a popular symbol of Zeus and continues to be today. Another of Raiju's peculiar behaviors is sleeping in human navels. As well as depicted in ancient cultures as being weapons harnessed by the Gods and causing mass devastation, lightning has caused upset in many modern wars too. Chaaya (Hindu origin) meaning shadow. 164. These include creatures such as the Centaur (Horse-Man . With contributions by E. Arsenio Manuel. HanakoSan (Japanese origin) is a feminine demon her name reflects"flower girl" andhaunts Schoolrestrooms. Decarbia (Christian Origin) this demon's name comes from the 'Lineage 2' video game. 405. Ajatar (Finnish origin) is a ghost who, when seen, sickens people. 169. Another of Raiju's peculiar behaviors is sleeping in human navels. He is typically depicted as a demon-looking spirit beating drums to create thunder, usually with the symbol tomoe drawn on the drums. In Slavic mythology the highest god of the pantheon is Perun, the god of thunder and lightning. Apollyon (Greek Origin) is another word for 'devil' in the language of Greek. It was seen in the series of the same name, 'Boogeyman'. Valafar (Christian origin) signifies 'duke of hell'. A group of evil spirits who were believed to possess people. They like humans and help them with their work or present gifts to them.Dialen is female demons that have goat feet from Graubuenden. 16. 407. Meiji period, 1868-1912. Combination of Demonic Force Manipulation and Lightning Manipulation. Leraje (Christian Origin) is a mighty Great Marquis of Hell with thirty legions of demons under his command. 72. 340. Legion (Latin Origin) in Christian demonology means a 'group of demons.' Hamutal (Hebrew origin) meaning 'shadow of his heat'. An early Semitic god of thunder and storms, Hadad was the chief god of the Amorites, and later the Canaanites and Aramaeans. Nakime (Japanese origin) Demoness Nakime follows her victims before killing them. 106. Semele (Greek origin) is the daughter of Cadmus consumed by flames when visited by Zeus. 113. Flauros is a half cat demon. And interestingly enough, the tales of the Akhekh drake might have inspired the legends of the Griffins in Europe. 286. Dzoavits (Native American Origin) this name comes from Native American mythology. Mansafe and Fall Arrest Tests and Inspections, Lightning in History, Mythology and Science. 242. 220. 38. Drude (German origin) This spirt is known to cauase nightmares. Poseidon. Mikaribaba (Japanese origin) The greedy one-eyed creature used to put anentire town in peril by their greedy pursuits. Itzcoliuhqui (Aztec origin) meaning 'curved obsidian blade'. Kamado Kie (Japanese origin) is a single mother who helped her brother to fight. In paintings, hes commonly depicted holding a thunderbolt, a chisel, and a sword, while riding his white elephant Airvata. A fantastic name for fantasy creatures. 429. 334. He was depicted as a bearded deity with a horned headdress, holding a thunderbolt and a club. 426. Focalor was a powerful Duke of Hell. Sonneillon (Latin origin) means 'Demon of Hatred'. Crowley (English Origin) was the name of the King of Hell in the TV series 'Supernatural'. 75. 233. This demon is a being that personified the abyss. It is described in the Lesser Key of Solomon. Deber (Hebrew origin) meaning 'pestilence'. A two-handed sword said to emit rainbow-like arcs when swung. Loki (Old Norse Origin) is the name of a Teutonic devil. Youko Shiragami (Japanese origin) Vampire with long canines and green hair. 80. Daemon, (Latin Origin) this name is derived from the demon in Latin, which is daemonium, which translates to 'demon.' Another of Raiju's peculiar behaviors is sleeping in human navels. Carman (Hebrew origin) meaning vineyard. This article will help you find some good demon names for your characters. 339. Allatou (Arabian origin) was a demon that whispers to tempt its victims. 382. Raiju is the companion of the Raijin, the Shinto god of lightning. Astrid (Greek origin) demonshavinghuman faces and body resembling owls. Subscribe for virtual tools, STEM-inspired play, Some traditions even transformed him into a mythological figure, especially in Jain and Buddhist mythologies of India. The term Dyeu is etymologically identical with Zeus, whose name is derived from the Latin word for god deus. Hes commonly depicted with his hammer Mjolnir and was invoked for victory in the battle and for protection during voyages. Which evidence exists at least as long ago as the 6th century.! He is said to be invoked in order to maintain peace between enemies, usually with the tomoe. Akhekh drake might have inspired the legends of the Raijin, by Kaigyokusai Masatsugu ( 1813-1892 ) '! Sword said to emit rainbow-like arcs when swung loki ( Old Norse origin ) means of. Same name, 'Boogeyman ' can develop a strategy based on Age but these are a guide huli (. Was demoness in Hindu mythology she was the name of one of the Raijin, by Kaigyokusai (! 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