100. Answer (1 of 8): Tell compelling and emotional stories, with a twist ending. What do you call a belt made of watches?A waist of time! Why did you eat your homework? the teacher asked. Spell. Veep! The other candidates are going to come up here and tell you all the reasons why you should vote for them. Joke 60 What does Santa do at football games? 2 What runs around the yard (or playground) all day, but never gets tired? Maybe because I'm so good looking." What was the first animal in space? (Jokes who?) 63. Favorite season of a math teacher SUMmer, 68. I will be actively involved in planning activities such as homecoming, prom, and graduation. Its about the same COW. In a snow bank. Because her mom and dad were in a jam. What breed of dog can jump higher than a skyscraper?Any breed of dog. Joke 20 - Why did the students eat their homework? What do you call a droid that takes the long way around? Whats a piece of breads least favorite chore?Doing a loaf of laundry. 17 What did the paper say to the pencil? 41. "It turns out, I was right!". 30. 75. Why does the music teacher need a ladder in the school? 7. Joke 115 Whats a cats favorite nursery rhyme? Where do sailboats go when they're sick?To the dock! 155. We aspire to be the worlds leading & most trusted community for educational resources for teachers. ~ Jenny D. Joke 175 Why did the policeman go to the baseball game? Why did the turkey sit on the tomahawk? These clean jokes are great for children of . 117. If there is anything learned from that, it is the fact that a catchphrase has the power to catch the people. ~ Brenda W. Joke 160 How much do pirates pay for body parts? How do you keep a bull from charging?Take away its credit card! Knock, knock.Whos there?Scold.Scold who?Scold outside, let me in! Joke 95 Which animal is white, black, and red all over the body? Cash who? What does a spider do on the Internet? 67 Why did the banana go to the Doctor? Why was the fraction nervous about marrying the decimal? What did one eye say to the other eye?Between us, something smells! Therefore I am Perfect. How do you get an astronauts baby to stop crying?You rocket! Why did the pony get sent to his room?He wouldnt stop horsing around! Yo Mama so short she has to hold a sign up that says, "Don't spit, I can't swim.". What did the buffalo say when his little boy left for school?Bison! A: Sanka! CHEATah. Related: 50 Funny Math Jokes and Math Puns. OR, more so, I really hope you didnt roll your eyes too much! Because the penguins kicked him out of the South Pole. What do you say to a rabbit on its birthday? To hatch-et. 48. She wanted to ice it. Double. Did you hear about the mathematician whos afraid of negative numbers?Hell stop at nothing to avoid them! Because he wanted his lesson to be very clear! What do you call an illegally parked frog?Toad! 122. Santa walking backwards. Why do music teachers do well in a baseball game? 16 Whats the difference between a teacher and a train? Why are mountains so funny?They're just hill areas! I hope this will start the day with a smile! 7 Why did the dog do so well in school? Funny Yo Mama Jokes for Kids. 10. Why did a scarecrow win a Nobel prize?He was outstanding in his field! I learn the value of hard work, patience, and teamwork from that experience. 102. Do you know any jokes in English? 140. Our Favorite Knock-Knock Jokes for Kids 1. 183. I was teaching completely virtual for almost the entire school year. 196. What did the traffic light say to the car?Look away, Im about to change! Put a little boogie in it. The teacher, who has not . I have had a lot of good ideas, many of which have been used to serve especially here in this high school. What kind of room doesnt have doors? Why did the turkey cross the road twice? 164 What kind of tree fits in your hand? What goes up but never comes down? How do you make seven an even number? A talking muffin!". What did the paper say to the pen? 154 What did they call the girl born at the beach? The one with square roots. Don't get us wrongwe love more adult jokes, but there's a time and place for that sort of entertainment. 108. I know that for you people to vote me in, I have to bring something different. Lettuce. I had to find a way to motivate my students and keep them engaged and smiling when they signed on every morning. A bat. What did the farmer call the cow that had no milk? Because they are a pain in the neck. What did the dog say when it sat on sandpaper?"Ruff!". Algebros. 126 What kind of dinosaur loves to sleep? What did one pencil say to another on the first day of school? The main reason I am running for the post of student council vice president is to contribute my quota to a school that has made me the awesome guy standing before you today. 132. 150. What is a mathematical plant? Because she has bright students in her class, 3. I created google slides with my jokes and Bitmoji characters in various funny positions. How do you fix a cracked pumpkin? None. I'm going to give you only one reason why you should vote for me. 21 Did I tell you the joke about the broken pencil? For your speech for the role of the vice president to sell, it must be delivered with great precision and effect. Here's my running for treasurer speech. What do you get from a pampered cow? 37. A monster on a tricycle. Relative CLAUSES, 82. Where does Christmas come before Thanksgiving? Funny Quotes About Siblings You'll Immediately Relate To, Life is simply more colorful when you have siblings to share it with, and funny sibling quotes can reveal some of the hilarious realities behind brother-sister relationships. A broken pencil A broken pencil who? Your age. How's the water? So, pick out some of these funny school jokes for kids and share them with your little ones to lighten up the environment and have a hearty laugh. Why cant a bicycle stand by itself? 185. His fellow monsters and family Con-dracula-ted him. What kind of shoes do robbers wear? Sharing jokes with your kids helps you develop a stranger and friendlier bond with them and also helps improve their social, verbal, and communication skills. Why did the golfer wear two pairs of pants?Just in case he got a hole in one! 101. Why was the echo detained at school? Because the chicken wasnt born yet. Joke 10 Why was the broom late for school? What did the Dalmatian say after lunch? One of them looks to the other and says, "Phew, it's getting hot in here!" Where do polar bears keep their money?In a snow bank! Yo Mama so old she rode dinosaurs to school. What does Jeff Bezos do before he goes to sleep?He puts his PJ-Amazon! Sure, if youre a mouse. You can share anything from a classic knock-knock joke to the cringiest dad joke with your youngsters. Because they have many knights, 15. Why cant a rabbits nose be 12 inches long? A cat-alogue. Because theyre under 18, 69. But while some creative children can come up with their own, they usually need to borrow material from somewhere. Whats the one thing will you get every year on your birthday, guaranteed? What do you call a dog magician? When do student astronauts eat? 59. Clean jokes for kids and people of all ages. 38 What do you call an empty parrot cage? They say once ye lose yer first hand,ye get hooked. A fur ball. Bananas cant talk. What kind of dog does a magician have?A Labracadabrador! What do you call a dinosaur that wears glasses?Tyrannosaurus SpecsWhat do you call a line of rabbits jumping backwards?A receding hare-line! It might crack up. Joke 100 Whats a frogs favorite game? 15. 136. Because seven eight nine. What did the teacher say when a book fell on their head?I have only my shelf to blame. 71 What do you call cheese that doesnt belong to you? What's a witch's favorite school subject?Spelling! Your nose. Where did my Lego leg go? Because then it would be a foot. Because they live in schools, 35. To get to the other slide. His wife, son, and daughter all worked hard, but were happy. The kid shrugs. Students sit for the class 10 . What's the difference between a teacher and a train? A teacher says, "Spit out that gum!" and a train says, "Chew! 163 What did the drummer name his twins? What do you call a line of rabbits walking backwards? Why do candles always go on the top of cakes? ~ I don't know, but he won't be long. How do you make an octopus laugh?With ten-tickles! An English teachers favorite breakfast Synonym rolls. 3. Because it does not have feet, 36. What has ears but cannot hear? Because your campaign speech is targeted at other high school teens and not parents or teachers, you must be creative and use a funny introduction. 65. 166. 111. Why is a geometry lesson so adorable? Why do bicycles fall over?Because theyre two-tired! Why is 2 + 2 = 5 like your left foot? 17 - What did the paper say to the pencil? 133. Whats the best place to grow flowers in a school. If the Pilgrims were alive today, what would they be most famous for? Veep! HISStory, 19. Who is the leader of the school supplies? Knock, knock.Whos there?Theodore.Theodore who?Theodore wasnt opened so I knocked! One is a cat copy; the other is a copy cat. To get you started, here are more than 200 jokes to choose from. 66. What kind of dog does Dracula have? Why cant you trust atoms? What's black and white and read all over?A newspaper! 37 What did one penny say to the other penny? EnglishBecause it has SPELLings, 33. Why did two 4s skip dinner?Because they already 8! 5. Great speech ideas for student council roles include funny anecdotes or plays on words about the actual job title or things commonly associated with it. They love watching the old movies because the movies are black and white! Because she has bright students in her class 3. The mother of a 10-year-old elementary school student in Forney is calling for his teacher to be arrested and fired for allegedly taping her son to his chair in class.. 26. Since your campaign speech is geared toward other teens, not teachers or parents, you can get a lot more creative and open with a seriously funny intro. I will make sure that this turns out to be a year to remember for you all in this school. Why should you never trust someone writing on graph paper?Because they must be plotting something! 107 What did the duck say to the clown? What did the little corn say to the mama corn? Whats the best way to catch a unique rabbit? What do you call a huge pile of cats?A meow-ntain! A palm tree. What is fast, loud and crunchy? An octo-puss. Why is the teacher wearing sunglasses in the class? Copyright 2011 - 2023 MomJunction Private Limited. We were able to affect the needed changes by coming together to endorse that petition. With ten-tickles. What is a cat's favorite color? What do elves do after school? Unique up on him. 59 What do they sell at McDonalds at the North Pole? What do you call an alligator who solves mysteries?An investigator! He gotmarooned. Oct 20, 2021 - Explore Kat Michele's board "Funny student council speeches" on Pinterest. On graduation day at Criminal School, everyone con-graduated each other. So, please give me a moment of your time and if you plan to vote for me after this speech, let's turn this audience into a crowded highway that feels like Friday at 5:00! Where do baby ghosts go during the day? Purrr-ple. Here is my plan for the upcoming school year: When the jokes are presented to my students on the slide, I will provide time for students to read the joke on their own first. All rights reserved. The following two tabs change content below. Knock, knock.Whos there?Ice cream.Ice cream who?ICE CREAM SO YOU CAN HEAR ME! Why do bees have sticky hair?They use honeycombs! 93 What do you get when you cross a turtle with a porcupine? Can a turkey jump higher than Mount Everest? 74. How does a scientist freshen her breath? 181. 29. Together, I believe we can bring the changes we so much desire. The tur-key. 102. Election Day Jokes for Kids Q: What are politically enthusiastic Robins known for? 24. What do you get when you combine a Christmas tree with a computer? Recess pieces. Check out 101 Funny Quotes, Dad Jokes, Fun Facts, Bad Jokes, Bad Puns,andTrivia for Kids. 136 What dance steps can cows do on the moon? Crack up your class into bursts of laughter by sharing school jokes with them. 17. By using SIN and COS to get tan, 84. KinderGARDEN, 22. If Voting for Me is Wrong, then you Don't Want to be Right! Its no secret that kids love funny jokes. She has also pursued CA and has more than three years of internship experience in auditin more. Which is the shortest month of the year? Dont take me for granite. 1. Who's there? (Whos there?) Chew!" 90. Having been a meritorious student throughout, she bagged the prestigious gold medal for medicine in MBBS and MD psychiatry. 177 Where did the king keep his armies? Knock, knock.Whos there?ToodleToodle who?Toodle-loo! What has four wheels and flies?A garbage truck! They both have stuffing. 86 What do you call bears with no ears? Nikki spent over a decade on school PTA boards and helped create a drama program at her children's elementary school. 89. What did the 90 angle say after an argument? Why didnt the skeleton go to school? Dont bore people with long speeches. When will the little snake arrive? Nothing,it just waved. How to Become a Babysitter That Parents Can Trust. 14 carrot gold. Find an online babysitting certification course to learn valuable skills and jumpstart your babysitting career. 168. What is a computer's favorite snack? By octobus! 177. (Tooth-hurty). British Council High Cs, 77. 28 What is a mathematicians favorite day of the week? You're going to crack yourself up with these jokes to play on Mom or Dad. AtEducation to the Core, we exist to help our teachers build a stronger classroom as they connect with our community to find trusted, state-of-the-art resources designed by teachers for teachers. 129. What did the three-legged dog say when he walked into a saloon?Im looking for the man who shot my paw!. You can also post comments! Which side of the turkey has the most feathers? If you're trying to get a kid to laugh, there are lots of strategies you can use. Why do music teachers do well in a baseball game? 101. 107. Whether its a chuckle about classrooms, students, supplies, or teachers, these school jokes for kids are just the thing to take in when you need a bit of humor during the day. 3. 62. 169. RELATED: Pi Day Jokes and Puns to Help You Celebrate on March 14. Straw-berries. I won't try to get jalapeo business or get saucy, and I certainly won't burrito around the bush. Name the dinosaur that has the best vocabulary. To help you, we've rounded up funny, kid-friendly jokes with themes like birthday jokes, pirate jokes, holiday jokes, and even animal jokes. Remember to vote - and share some funny election day jokes! Which bird is always out of breath?A puffin! I may not have succeeded in making one of the best student council speeches of all time today, but I do hope I have done enough to earn your trust and vote for this office. Dill with it. Why did the boy throw a stick of butter out the window?Because he wanted to see a butterfly! Or, I will complete it whole group with several students taking guesses before providing the answer. 149. ExplaNATION, 46. Why wouldnt the shrimp share his treasure?Because he was a little shellfish! Who's there? ~ Sheryl F. Joke 170 Whats the loudest pet you can get? About a buck an ear. Whats the key to a great Thanksgiving dinner? They fast! 129 What dinosaur should never drive a car? Yes, because a building cant jump at all. So instead of remembering silly jokes, use something they relate to, build to something they are expecting, then change the ending Example: Wh. Why is the letter A most like a flower? A tuba toothpaste. Why do hummingbirds hum? Preferably, I'd like to be the one with the biggest gut if you don't mind. Supplies! 88. Whether it's a chuckle about classrooms, students, supplies, or teachers, these school jokes for kids are just the thing to take in when you need a bit of humor during the day. What do elves learn in school? A cornfield. Joke 75 What are twins favorite fruit? Why did Beethoven get rid of his chickens?All they ever said was, Bach, Bach, Bach!. 146. What's a witch's favorite class? 31. To make it quite clear for the students, 54. Who is everyones best friend at school? 92. What position does a ghost play in hockey? Smartie pants, 21. What is a snake's favorite subject in school? The Executive Council in Tenjou Tenge can literally get away with murder, rape, or several other nasty things. 119. 9 How do bee parents send their little bees to school? What do you call a fake noodle?An impasta! A coconut on vacation. The blackboard, 31. Why do the students wear glasses during math class? Joke 120 Where do cows go on the weekend? What is a monsters favorite dessert? 19 What did the janitor say when he jumped out of the closet? 43 What kind of flower grows between your nose and your chin? Knock, knock.Whos there?Dozen.Dozen who?Dozen anyone want to let me in? What do you call a cheese thats not yours?Nacho cheese! 39 Whats a tornados favorite game to play? They wanted to have sweet dreams! 40. What do you call a dinosaur that is sleeping? Why was the math book sad? See a medical professional for personalized consultation. In the dictionary. Historical funnies Q: What did they drink on the Titanic? 67. What gets wetter the more that it dries?A towel! 199. Joke 30 When is it time to go to the dentist? Did you hear about the the circle that kept going to school?It has 360! Which vegetable do sailors hate the most?Leeks! Why are Christmas trees bad at sewing? 127. 24 What did the circle say to the triangle? Knock, knock.Whos there?Figs.Figs who?Figs the doorbell, Ive been knocking forever! We all have heard or told some lame and hilarious school jokes at some point during our school years to either make new friends or become the funny guy that everyone loves. Jeff Bezos do before he goes to sleep? he was outstanding in his!. 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Rancho High School Riots, Articles K