I just happened to get a sample at Whole Foods of a new peanut butter by Earth Balance that is made with Coconut Oil instead of Vegetable Oil. The issue is bacteria going up your urethra. However, you can get rid of urine infection with some home remedies too. 4. Web Urine Infection Treatment In Hindi At Home; UTI Risks & Complications in Hindi But just like your tips about showering, it has seriously done wonders! She believes that medical content should be accessible to everyone and strives to write content that every single person can understand. Id recommend anyone with a chronic kidney disease avoid consuming large amounts of coconut water. Both of those downstream infections require hospitalization and are rather serious if left untreated. Some websites recommend taking coconut oil orally (through the mouth), however, there is no research indicating this is effective. The urinary tract comprises of organs which are involved in making and transporting urine out of the body. I cant imagine being stuck on a plane with that kind of discomfort! Coconut oil, however, may also have mild medicinal properties. I feel ya girl. Two things that I have found help a ton are A)probiotics-help with that good bacteria and b) D-Mannose- a supplement that binds to the bacteria in your bladder and helps to flush it out through urine. If theres no negative skin reaction during and after those 24 These individuals should not ingest or apply coconut oil topically to the skin. Dont drs know how harmful they are?? The associated symptoms are fever, Urinary tract infection presents with urgency of urination, https://www.theskinnyconfidential.com/2015/07/29/the-one-pill-i-take-every-single-day/, So You Definitely Need a Skincare Shelfie. I dont have any vaginal complications with pH and I take a probiotic for that too so yeast infections werent that much of a worry for me! xx. More About :CoconutOil Benefits, Coconut Oil Uses, Coconut Milk Recipes, Coconut Milk Benefits, Coconut Health Benefits, Coconut Oil Recipes, Coconut Recipes, Coconut Benefits, Thai Coconut, Young Coconut, ONLY $12. Just remember to avoid overconsumption. 2, You May Like: Is Pomegranate Juice Good For Your Kidneys. xx. There is no solid evidence in the medical literature that cranberry either prevents or treats UTIs, so you are totes right. As soon as i feel one coming on I pop a couple capsules and feel better within an hour. The Properties of Lauric Acid and Their Significance in Coconut Oil. I dont take too much at once tho because it makes me nauseous. And I heard about the front to back wipe too. Yeast infections are the worst! Some cats are sensitive to coconut oil, so if yours is one of them, dont use it. For the girl who wants to be the best version of herself, on her own terms. Its the worst feeling ever and so hard to describe to a guy! This is mostly due to the fact that the above-mentioned potential benefits were claimed by owners rather than supported by scientific research. , Cipro is no longer recommended to be prescribed due to side effects. xx, In our publication I wrote about my experience with UTIs too (had them my entire life literally since I was a baby. Coconut water does have calories 45 to 60 calories in an 8-ounce serving. Read the labels carefully. All you have to do is put in a glass of water 2 teaspoons of cider vinegar, and a little honey to sweeten it, and drink at least 2 times a day. Treating a urinary tract infection is not always easy. This helps in reducing the burning sensation that occurs while urinating. I totally found that the showering before & after sex is extremely helpful.. but Ive never heard this coconut trick!! I will have to try that in the future. The point at which the ureters connect to the bladder to act as a one-way valve to prevent the urine from backing up from the kidney.Despite these measures, even people with strong immune system get UTI since some of the bacteria get attached to the wall of the urinary lining causing the infection. Wanna know how I prevent UTIs? I agree with the coconut oil as lube for surrrrrre. Im going to use it as my chance to get the upgrade to business class Ive always wanted, although Im not sure anyone wants to sit near the crying, pee soaked person. xx. The lauric acid ingredient in coconut oil effectively kills fungi, bacteria, and viruses and thus keeps infections at bay. A urinary tract infection is therefore, an infection of any or a combination of these organs. Ah that sounds awful Erin! and i had puss that time. No more doctors visits or antibiotics. I havent gotten once since. Basically Im asking people around me forUristat. They have no idea. Take half glass of rice water and mix a little sugar in it. Jessica is a medical writer with an unquenched thirst to discover something new. Just wanted to give updated info. However, there isnt a lot of scientific evidence that proves it can help. Coconut oil is the bomb. WOW! Good news is that there are somehome remedies for UTI. A randomized double-blind controlled trial comparing extra virgin coconut oil with mineral oil as a moisturizer for mild to moderate xerosis. Right now Im laying on the floor of a toilet in Madrid with the worst UTI. They also found that it could disrupt the bugs metabolism at low concentrations, suggesting that it might be a good adjunct therapy for regular urinary tract infections. Apple Cider Vinegar. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11746-014-2562-7. Most people can safely use coconut oil to treat UTIs thanks to its hypoallergenic properties, If you use coconut oil topically, you should apply it to external genital areas, not inside, Consuming a lot of coconut oil for an extended period may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, Coconut water may offer the same antibacterial action as regular oil, though, more likely it assists with UTIs as a diuretic, Coconut oil is unlikely to cause a UTI if used as a sex lubricant, however, research is ongoing, If your symptoms dont go away after a few days or are getting worse, see your doctor, even if you are currently using coconut oil. Coconut oil is a safe food when consumed in small quantities. I have never heard of using coconut oil/water before. Veterinarians often discourage the usage of coconut oil in pets. However, untreated UTIs can progress and move up the urinary system to impact the kidneys. Had no idea that coconut oil could help thank you! The more a person uses an antibiotic, the greater the risk of the bacteria developing resistance. Cranberry anything never worked for me either. I havent had one yet since using coconut oil so Ill let you know if the whole 3 tablespoons a day thing works. Symptoms of UTI include lower abdominal pain, flank pain, bloody urine, or fever. You can use coconut oil to treat a UTI. not your own), and peeing after sex rinses all this bacteria away before it can make its way up and wreak havoc. And Im def gonna increase my coconut oil intake to 3tbspoons a day. Shower after. The also says that sexual intercourse introduces bacteria and other microbes from outside the body to the urinary tract. Brutal. Went back and added your article under the tips in mine! Oh after peeing, you have to wipe from front to back as opposed to back to front makes a big difference to prevent bacteria from spreading! xx. Works as a preventative measure and a treatment. SO SHITTY.) Coconut trees, therefore, have evolved anti-bacterial defense mechanisms that protect their fruits. We are here to help you. You should first see your veterinarian if you think coconut oil is a good alternative for your cat. Jessica has a Masters of Engineering degree in Biomedical Engineering. Use this table to help you figure out the best type of milk for you! Since coconut water is natural, you can combine it with cranberry to reduce symptoms. Coconut water is mainly water, so drinking too much can be toxic, or even fatal (just like regular water). In fact, some E.coli can live in the intestines without causing any problems. Over time, some species of bacteria have become resistant to traditional antibiotics. The Skinny Confidentials GIGGLE WATER BOX: Ready For a Curated Case of Sustainable, HANGOVER-FREE Wine? Probiotic rich foods include kefir, kimchi, yogurt, sauerkraut, kombucha and raw cheese. My case sometimes have to go like every hour and pain at times. Dayrit, F.M. Cant say Im surprised though. & UTIs are the WORST! If you have yeast infection, drink cranberry juice. Some websites and forums recommend using coconut oil for urinary tract infections (UTIs). Therefore, it is imperative to use natural remedies, which produce very little side effects, while producing the required cure effectively. what i did was so gone to pee n and washed my penis with water.and i didnt done sex with her after that. You can use tea tree oil in combination with a few drops of coconut oil for external application in the vaginal region. A lifestyle blog, podcast, and brand by Lauryn Evarts Bosstick. Prescriptions as needed WebHeres how: Put a small smear of Coconut Oil on your arm. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. When you take iodine it gets secreted out of all your mucous membranes and will attack any bacteria it may encounter. If using it for a UTI, apply it liberally to your genital area. ), Crazy how something so simple can help so much! Thanks for sharing : ) xx. Ive heard a lot of horror stories aboutkidney infections from an untreated UTI. I myself have frequent UTI and I totally feel you. As for the airport UTI, the exact same thing happened to me on my way to my honeymoon the day after my wedding! I had one for the first time in ages this week in desperation I googled stuff toook three cloves of garlic chewed up on a full stomach and 2 hours later I could sleep feeling much better, will do it for a couple more days (3 cloves 3x aday for 3 days), This is great. However, it may assist with burning while peeing. Participants in the placebo (coconut oil) arm will receive soft gels of enteric coated coconut oil. Coupled with a a daily probiotic, d-mannose seems to be saving my life and keeping them away, but fingers crossed it continues. Most patients consume regular amounts, perhaps up to 18 ounces per day. This is a total life changer. Check out my post where I talk about them here: https://www.theskinnyconfidential.com/2015/07/29/the-one-pill-i-take-every-single-day/. I find that taking D Mannos (you can find it at GNC or vitamin stores) about once a week and when I feel one coming on (you know you feel them the second they start- you just KNOW). Coconuts grow in warm, humid tropical countries ideal conditions for bacterial growth. Some studies, such as one published in August 2018 in the journal mBio, have linked contaminated poultry and meat to E.coli bacteria strains that can cause UTIs. This is mainly due to the anti-microbial effect of coconut oil. Since Ive figured out a way to preventthem, life has been easier. The National Institute of Health Pub Med site offers a number of articles published in scientific journals about colloidal silver. Get free meds and delivery. Cranberry juice doesnt work at all but these capsules are magic. So many people have been suggesting it. Heres how to try it, side effects, and more. At present, there are no case reports or figures suggesting that coconut oil increases the risk of UTIs. Also, a probiotic helps me too. Most condoms can only use a water based lube. What is the Best Antibiotic for Urinary Tract Infection?Most Common Bacteria that Cause UTIs. Streptococcus spp. First Line Antibiotics for a UTI. Notably absent from the list of antibiotics prescribed for the treatment of UTIs is Amoxicillin. Antibiotic Treatment Process. Antibiotic Side Effects. Various studies have shown that the bacterial strains have shown decrease and prevention of UTIs. Urgh I used to HATE having UTIs but then again, dont anyone has ever not hated them! Coconut water comes from a different part of the plant than oil but has the same antimicrobial properties. AW youre so sweet. Love it. It kept the UTIs away for the short while I WAS using it. Hoping to never have to see another antibiotic script again! Thanks so much for sharing the tip = ) xx. 2, Jessica Guht Feb. 28, 2023 It worsens flakes and makes dandruff stick to the scalp, where it mixes I know this is out there but it actually works really well! Start a visit with an online doctor. You cant do it for many days in a row because too much iodine will suppress thyroid function so it has to be done judiciously. At present, applying coconut oil to the genitals seems harmless, but it may also be ineffective for UTIs. Thanks for sharing Bree! Thanks for sharing Marcella! Also, chugging a ton of water with lemon helps flush things out with natural antibacterial properties. Coconut possesses various health benefits due to the nutritional content it has. xx Bree | sleeping baby -wonderfulandwhimsical.com, LOVE that tip! That is great information to know. 1st Uti I experienced a couple of years back caused me to pee myself in Bangkok airport. Thanks for doing that and for all of your support with The Skinny Confidential! PMID: 15724344. It literally sticks to the bacteria and helps wash it out as you pee, which is great to help speed up the recovery if you get a full-on UTI. It is also be used as a natural laxative to ease your bowel movement. This post asks whether you can use coconut oil to treat a UTI, how it might work, and how to take it. The airport comment is SPOT ON. I am a clinical pharmacist (and many of my friends are medical doctors). It really does cut down on the frequency of my UTIs as well. Michael has no clue what to doHA! The only people who should not drink high quantities are those with conditions of excess potassium, such as hyperkalemia. However, bacteria from the gut can enter the urinary tract and cause infection. UTI should be taken seriously, pain and even bleeding. WebThe coconut is well known for its nutritional and medicinal properties. For all my fellow sufferers, I wanted to add that D-Mannose has absolutely changed my UTI-plagued life. UTIs should be diagnosed and treated to prevent spreading further complications or recurrences. This risk is greater in women than men, because women have shorter urethras than men, meaning the bacteria has less distance to travel to reach the bladder. I will have to try that. Agero AL, Verallo-Rowell VM. While urinary tract infections are not life threatening, treating them properly will relieve you of the pain and prevent you from becoming prey to yeast or candida infection. If youre feeling a bit under the weather, there is much to gain from a tablespoon of coconut oil. Drinking coconut water along with coconut oil I thought I was going to DIE. Enter your mobile phone number OR scan the QR-Code to download DrHouse app. Like skinny margaritas, aka tequila on the rocks.last week I got a UTI and went straight to the dr. So interesting! In addition to killing the infectious bacteria, the antibiotics also kill the good bacteria. all the more reason to use the coconut oil . xx, Hi Lauren, Have you tried taking probiotics? Two things saved me. Gardner admits that there may be some dangers involved in the project. I take one daily Kris! Do not use it as a replacement for regular medical advice. Cranberry has actually helped me (as a supplement). People should also never share antibiotics with others. This helps in reducing the symptoms of the infection and relieves you from the infection effectively. A few studies have shown that excessive consumption may lead to the following side effects of coconut water in a few people: Coconut water is one of the healthiest natural drinks when compared to many others. Ive only had one and that was ENOUGH! We then explore whether coconut oil can actually cause UTIs before wrapping up. and drinking alot of coconut water daily now. But I did start taking the D-Mannose (1500 mg a day) and Im gonna keep on taking it for another week Bc sometimes my UTI likes to come back. Some couples use coconut oil as a sex lubricant because of its hypoallergenic and lubricating properties. The condition is also caused due to pregnancy, diabetes, men having prostate conditions, certain types of birth control and in case of poor hygiene. Also I was too scared to get up and go to the bathroom past midnight, so i literally just cried. Incidence of urinary tract infections (UTIs) [ Time Just on a tablespoon? These properties, along with its antibacterial activity, make it useful in the treatment of urinary tract Two pharmacist actually suggested that whenever I feel I have an infection to take 2 cranberry supplements at once. The condition referred to as Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) can lead to severe consequences, if the condition is not treated. I eventually ended up getting some over the counter treatment from a different pharmacy based on her suggestion, but lesson learned I always travel prepared with some UTI treatment just in case! DrHouse articles are written by MDs, NPs, nutritionists and other healthcare professionals. Practicing good sexual hygiene can help to reduce the number of bacteria that people can transfer during intercourse and other sexual acts. It can also prevent dry skin. UTI is when there is an infection development in the urinary system. Ive never heard of coconut being a natural remedy for it. Unsweetened coconut waterSweetened coconut waterSugar9.5 grams18 grams, Recommended Reading: Urinary Incontinence Devices For Women, Dont Miss: How To Strengthen Urinary Bladder Muscles. Thanks for sharing. Before introducing coconut water into the, changes in the urinary tract or organs, such as a swollen. LOL. You May Like: Can Vitamin D Cause Urinary Tract Infections. To the person who said, need antibiotics. Instead of using oils extracted from vegetable seeds, using virgin coconut oil for stir frying foods and general cooking helps to receive the benefits of coconut oil and heal the infection effectively. This acid kills microbes on contact. I thought no big deal, there are tons of pharmacies in the area we were in at the time..but try explaining a UTI to a Balinese man who does not speak much English I walked out with a drug used to treat prostate infections, ugh definitely did not want to take that! And shower, a lot oh, and search for a probiotic. Thanks for your support and for reading TSC : ) xx. The associated symptoms are fever, chills, nausea or vomiting etc. To further set the scene, Im running around to every magazine/beverage shop in the airport, asking them from some type medicine. 2) Coconut oil extracted from the mature and tender, white flesh of the coconut, is a natural oil made up of a blend of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. You can get rid of urine infection with the mixture of one tablespoon Amla churan and powder of 4-5 elaichis. Ive been taking nature wise Time release womens care. Doctors prescribe antibiotics for this condition and most of the cases of UTI will be cured. I am definitely going to look into it. It is safe for cats to consume, but it may not be the ideal option for every cat. Must try the coconut oil trick! Unfortunately, your shopping bag is empty. Coconut water for UTI: is able to cure urinary tract infections and bladder infection as it makes you stay hydrated, it can flush bacteria through your bladder and urethra and it can also dissolve kidney stones. A LOT. Our clinicians can diagnose your condition and provide guidance on the best course of treatment, including getting an online prescription for any necessary medication. Ill definitely have to give this a try next time. If it doesnt cause any irritation, you are free to apply it to other areas of your body. 47 days ago Authors. Nearly 50 percent of fatty acids present in coconut oil are of lauric acid. Horrible ones. So, what have we learned about the relationship between coconut oil and UTIs? xx. Using natural remedies you can cure urinary tract infection. It is great for UTIs because it works very fast. Yes! I also want to put a plug in for colloidal silver which is what was used before antibiotics came on the scene. Coconut oil is slightly alkaline but the vaginas interior is acidic. Most medical practitioners and health experts consider coconut oil to be safe, both when taken by the mouth and rubbed on the skin. LOVE coconut oil as a lube As for preventative measures, I have found (alongside what you recommended) that drinking TONS of water all day everyday, while also taking all natural cranberry pills daily, works wonders & has definitely been a game changer for me. With that said, patients need to be careful about the type of coconut oil they use. Its been SO helpful. Im religious about all the usual preventative measures, peeing, wiping, showering etc. Probiotics are beneficial microorganisms which can be consumed to promote healthy bacteria balance in the gut. If you still want to experiment with coconut oil, you can but you should explore standard medical options as well. Complicated UTIs will require medical treatment. If you are experiencing high fever (>103F/39.4C), shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, chest pain, heart palpitations, abnormal bruising, abnormal bleeding, extreme fatigue, dizziness, new weakness or paralysis, difficulty with speech, confusion, extreme pain in any body part, or inability to remain hydrated or keep down fluids or feel you may have any other life-threatening condition, please go to the emergency department or call 911 immediately. I used to encounter these pesky boogers many a times in the past. I religiously pee after sex, that has always 100% worked. Interestingly, coconut waters biggest effect on UTIs is probably as a diuretic something that makes you pee more and not as an antibacterial or antifungal agent. ** also, peeing/shower after sex is a must as well. The substances are effective against staphylococcus aureus, and candida albicans, which is a common causative organism in yeast infections. The medium chain fatty acids present in coconut oil including lauric acid and its broken down form namely monolauric acid have powerful antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties. 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