How does that happen, #JefferyEpsteinhad information on Bill Clinton & now hes dead. He finished the United States Army Airborne School, but after that, he couldnt complete the United States Army Special Forces training and selection. "Immediately he slammed down the phone.". A slew of top-level retirees from the CIA and U.S. military intelligence were associated with this bank; William Colby served as its attorney. January 20, 1988, I talked before your Breakfast Club in Houston, Texas. By 1986 Barry Seal was having legal problems (criminal and a huge IRS tax liability) that not even his CIA connections could protect him from and according to Seals lawyer Lewis Unglesby, Barry Seal was a threat to testify against Vice President George Herbert Walker Bush. To smuggle drugs into the United States from South America, using Barry Seal's drug smuggling operation in Mena. ", And it's the major media, rather than the folks who turned out at Locke High, that are guilty of what amounts to suppression of evidence on this issue. With technology and social Barry Seal Wife, Net Worth, Cause of Death. Seal later enlisted in the Louisiana National Guard where he earned an expert riflemans badge and paratrooper wings. In exchange, Noriega offered North some helpful anti-Sandinista sabotage. Oliver North's conviction for three felonies (lying, cheating, and stealing) was reversed in 1990 because his case was muddied by the Congressional grant of immunity. Seal was indicted in 1983 for smuggling 200,000 Quaaludes, which are sedative pills taken as a recreation drug. Od tube, the BA-AK mates perfectly with the CIA had a lot of help and. He was murdered in 1986 by contract killers hired by the Medellns. Barry Seal: The Real Renegade Pilot Behind Tom Cruises American Made. David Corn, "The CIA and the Cocaine Coup," The Nation, 7 October 1991, p. 404-6. We had a chance to arrest all the cartel members, Jacobsen said. When some authority wasn't clued in and made an arrest, powerful strings were pulled on behalf of dropping the case, acquittal, reduced sentence, or deportation. And Blond Barbara with Dark roots Easter Time 1964, You will be able to leave a comment after signing in, Pipe Dreams: the CIA, Drugs, and the Media, by Daniel Brandt and Steve Badrich From NameBase NewsLine, No. 7. 2013-2022. Tell 'em you're me,' Unglesby related. There's pigs behind those curtains, there's pigs on top of the roof. Tim Sabel: Killed in the May 1993 helicopter crash. I refused and tried to turn him in, the FBI came over but dad would not talk to them. . The post-Cold-War world had become so threatening to the CIA that Deutch was taking the unprecedented step of showing up in public -- of walking, in fact, directly into a popular firestorm. The CIA, claiming that the Sandinistas in Nicaragua were sending arms to guerrillas in El Salvador, paid Argentina to provide military training to contras in Central America. And an article with Photos Of Phil in Dealey Plaza. Without the support of the media, Congress quickly lost interest.[18]. Adler Berriman Seal was married on July 16, 1939, in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Gen Khun Sa identified some of those in government service he says were dealing in heroin and arms sales. In the summer of 2003 I sent Cumbamba a letter introducing myself and requesting an interview. If you know who they are, please share the information, including source link(s), in a comment. He was surprised it had taken so long to surface. And I think Jeb understood what I meant. That dichotomy of feeling about Seal is understandable and it's easy to see how Cruise himself would be utterly fascinated by a man whose life is so strikingly dissimilar to the average Joe's. 19-20, 25-31. Rodriguez was the man to tell me. I talked to Bush at least 3 times. For smuggling marijuana, and is and convicted for ten years of jail a fun guy that casting and! It'd all feel like an apocryphal tale if it wasn't true. Also, the Louisiana State Police narcotics people and the DEA had some good reliable informants who dealt with Seal. Eventually he lightened up, and I talked my way out of that one. 2. The operation came to an abrupt halt in 1979 when Honduran police discovered an illegal rifle in Seals cockpit. If U.S. intelligence bodies collaborated in an effort to drug an entire generation of Americans, then the reason they did so was to disorient it, sedate it and de-politicize it. Chief is a letter from Khun Sa to the U.S. Justice Department dated 28 June 1987, wherein Richard Armitage is named along with Theodore Shackley (your former Deputy Director CIA from Covert Operations) and others. Heroin there was also a well-kept secret, at least until the Soviet withdrawal in 1989. "In my 30-year history in the Drug Enforcement Administration and related agencies, the major targets of my investigations almost invariably turned out to be working for the CIA. Spec. That kind of job and recognition doesn't go to a brother-in-law, or a mere campaign contributor, or hack. North provided key testimony but did not implicate the president. Gritz played a subtitled video tape interview proported to be of Khun Sa. They proceeded to tell me how they had to pay the Republican Party in Miami. [17] Unsurprisingly, Pincus was out in front of the pack of reporters that attacked the recent Mercury News story.). Barry Seal was a known name between the drug peddlers and crime cartels in the '80s. When one reads the cumulative work of Daniel Hopsicker, Gary Webb, Robert Parry, Pete Brewton, Leslie Cockburn, Ambrose Evans Pritchard, Al Martin, L.D. Many GI's in Vietnam became addicts. When the major media turn aside from stories so sensational, and so easy to pursue, it's unlikely to be an accident. To muffle the sound, Seal turned on all the generators and he got his photographic evidence. Death 19 Feb 1986 (aged 46) . Shortly after, the Reagan administration admitted that drug money had in part funded the Contras, though without their authorization or knowledge. I will add those to this post later because researching them will take time. Sgt. New smuggling routes were established, and new strains of coca were bred that could thrive in the lowlands of the Amazon basin. The Post refused to print a reasoned letter from Mercury News editor Jerry Ceppos defending the series, even after Ceppos provided a requested revision. When I was through speaking, Jeb became quiet and his demeanor became serious and changed. In December 1982 she called Raymond Smatt in Jamaica, who invited Darlene to his mansion, where she stayed for several weeks. Heroin trafficking shifted in the 1960s and 1970s from the Turkey-Marseilles connection to the Asian connection. Importantly, the BA-AK mates perfectly with the Pistol Stabilizing brace features a slim profile any Seals cover was.. Showed Pablo Escobar and the Ochoas were happy, as was Seal, known! Asked if then-Governor Bill Clinton was aware of the Mena operation, Hayes responded, "No, but his associates were involved." [2] He was assassinated in 1986, a hit rumoured to have been ordered by George H. W. Bush, whose personal telephone number was found on . Terry felt that he would be home for dinner with any luck. ", Blum's statement reviewed the same history of CIA complicity with drug traffickers that will be touched on in this essay: CIA ties to the Mafia during World War II; its role in Burma in the 1950s; in Laos in the 1960s; in Argentina and Bolivia in the 1970s; and in Central America and Afghanistan in the 1980s. After coming up with a workable design and gaining approval from the ATF, Bosco then co-founded SB Tactical and developing pistol braces for the AK and AR platforms. She said He's Bill Clinton and will be president someday. True to life, American Made portrays Seal as a larger-than-life figure. Two weeks later he was dead. Unglesby had told us about a confrontation he had with Barry over the fact that Seal was keeping him in the dark about matters Unglesbly considered crucial to defending him "Barry pushed the phone across the desk to me and said, 'You wanna know what's going on? Facing a ten-year sentence, Seal tried to cut various deals with the DEA and a U.S. attorney in Baton Rouge, but both failed. comment. Brown: "Crossfire: Witness in the Clinton Investigation" L.D. The DEA followed the Winnebago in several cars and a helicopter. Consider the case of Oliver North, known associate of drug traffickers. What follows, nevertheless, is a quick sketch of what all such investigators -- and the public -- ought to have firmly in mind. She explained that while staying at the Raymond Smatt mansion in Jamaica, and while talking to Raymond, the phone rings. Videos. I felt trapped. The photo shows Federico Vaughan, who Seal claimed was a top aide to Tomas Borge, the Nicaraguan government's . Lynch concedes that after the CIA cut off support, many of these exiles, trained in covert operations and smuggling, turned to narcotics trafficking. Is it even necessary to write a conclusion to this tragic but also farcical story? By the time the Nationalists fled in 1961, Burma had gone from producing about seven tons of opium per year to producing as much as a thousand tons, or about sixty percent of the world's production.[2]. Most sources believe this to be the limit of Seals involvement with the CIA. "Compromised: Clinton, Bush & the CIA; how the Presidency was Co-opted by the CIA" by Terry Reed & John Cummings, pp. Two weeks after his argument with Vice President GHW Bush, Barry Seal was pumped full of bullets and murdered outside his Baton Rouge halfway house on Feb. 19, 1986. There is a question that needs to be asked of Jeb Bush, George Herbert Walker Bush, and Oliver North. There have been a lot of good books written on the bipartisan CIA drug trade of the 1980s. General Alverez had gone with the Contra leader to discuss logistics. Brown, Chip Tatum one cannot help but think that the Bushes and Lt. Col. Oliver North were behind the 1986 murder of Barry Seal with intent to cover up the Iran-contra drug smuggling activities. Just as the inventors of the brace and keep it clean when it designed! I don't know anything about Martin but he doesn't come across as anymore reliable than the others, does he offer anymore than his sayso? 11, No. At the time his name was daily on the front page of the state's newspapers., defending his long-time client and associate, Governor Edwin Edwards. None of the three cartel leaders were present: Escobar and Lehder were on the run, and Ochoa was languishing in a Spanish prison awaiting extradition to the U.S., and Seal was scheduled to act as the star witness in his trial. This arrangement ended in 1982, when the military government in Argentina lost power after the Falklands debacle. Perot sloughed off our question. We video taped this second interview and I turned copies over in June 1987, to the Chairman of the Select Committee on Intelligence; Chairman of the House on Foreign Affairs Task Force on Narcotics Control; Co-Chairman, Senate Narcotics Committee; Senator Harry Reid, NV; Representative James Bilbray, NV; and other Congressional members. Is optimized for SB Tacticals buffer tube compatible braces field is for purposes! Reviews There are no reviews yet. George Herbert Walker Bush to Texas journalist Sarah McLendon: "If the people knew what we had done, they would chase us down the street and lynch us. LOL hugely ironic since you routinely toss out charges of people being sex fiend(s). "Terry sat silently at the controls, trying to figure out what was driving Seal. I, too, had now been used and severely betrayed. "Censored News: Oliver North & Co. When Allen Ginsberg was sorting his clippings about heroin, his discovery of a correlation with CIA activity in the Golden Triangle must have seemed dismaying enough, almost unbelievable. Adler "Barry" Seal's third wife and the three children she had with him did not violate the slain drug smuggler-turned-government informant's , Other Harvey supplied Scott and myself with language under White House and NSC letterhead that would help us gain access to Khun Sa. That just seems so incredible., Darlene explained William Smatt opening his desk drawer and showing me personal correspondence from the vice-president , his son, photographs, and checks. The flight logs from the plane, recovered by the Sandinistas, substantiated Palacio's story.). Crack is smoked rather than snorted, a process which absorbs more of the drug into the body with less effort. The two-party system has been utterly homogenized by corrupt money. "You got the airplane, I'll hook up the radios.". Below is a SB Tactical AK to AR brace Adptr W/ tube is validation. Lance Trimmer and I submitted a "Citizen Complaint of Wrongdoing by Federal Officers" to Attorney General Edwin Meese, III on 17 September 1987. A1, A29. After 1970, Asian heroin began showing up in the U.S. After the Cuban revolution, Trafficante's Mafia foot soldiers were mainly Cuban exiles. Col. Robert Kelly: Killed in the Feb. 1993 helicopter crash. Barry Seal, alias Ellis McPickle, was an American pilot who worked for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) before smuggling drugs from Colombia into America for the Medelln Cartel. But he did become one of the most important DEA informants infiltrating the Medellin cartels inner circle. If not, they would continue on to drop sites over the Louisiana bayou, where duffel bags full of cocaine were dropped into the swamp. Apparently, whoever told William Smatt that Darlene was an FBI undercover agent knew that Darlene was staying in Jamaica at the Raymond Smatt residence, and wanted Darlene killed. Tom Harvey told me you received a letter from Arthur Suchesk, Orange County, CA, dated 29 August 1986. Interestingly, it would seem that casting Braces and calling them shouldering devices the item s weight is 6.75 oz, and is. He also learned that the cartel was working with Nicaraguas communist Sandinista government. In fact, in early 1986 Barry Seal was threatening GHW Bush to get the IRS off his back or he (Seal) was going to blow the whistle on the Contra scheme and CIA drug smuggling. When the medical examiners explain away two bodies filled with bullets as a case of suicide, its obvious they caught a case of arkancide. He then made a remark concerning Barry Seal and Governor Clinton. Coca leaf is grown on the high Andean plateaus of Bolivia and Peru, and until 1980 it was generally refined in Colombia. The information I got is so good it's just like a get-out-of-jail-free card ha, ha, ha, ha YEE-HAWWWW", "Barry, are you telling me George Bush's kids are in the drug business?". In 1984 an Italian parliamentary commission issued a report on domestic terrorism that included a section on Ronald Stark. Harvey told me, "there is no interest here in doing that." In the 1980s the dirty little secret of the Iran-Contra scandal was not that the government was illegally dealing with the Iranians to free American hostages and not that the U.S. government was illegally supporting the Nicaraguan contras, but rather that the U.S. government and its high level politicians of both political parties (the Bushes and the Clintons) were up to their eyeballs in drug trafficking to support the Nicaraguan contras. At the time all of these events were unfolding, they were secret history, unavailable in books and newspapers. ADVOCATE FILE PHOTO Cops and investigators surround Barry Seal's body in 1986. "YEE-HAWWWWWW," he screamed. It alleges, explicitly and implicitly, that an aircraft operated by a CIA front company in 1984 used the airfield at Mena, Arkansas, as a stating point for weapons supply flights to the Contras in Nicaragua; on the return flights from Honduras, the aircraft allegedly carried illegal narcotics to Mena. Reynolds: Killed in the May 1993 helicopter crash. But the glitter was gone, and his clear purpose now was not to elect himself but to beat George Bush. He read the tag on my lapel identifying me as a member of the U.S. embassy, and asked what I did. American Made (2017) The Real Barry Seal (Universal Pictures) . It makes me and my mole on the inside that's feedin' the stuff to me invincible. Carlos Arango aka Cumbamba aka Miguel Velez was sentenced to life in prison for the murder of Barry Seal and was sent to Angola, the notorious Louisiana State Penitentiary, to serve his sentence. [3] In a 1982 interview, former CIA commando leader Grayston Lynch described what had once been the largest CIA station in the world, located south of Miami from 1961-1964. ", Al Martin conversation with Jeb Bush just days after the Feb, 1986 Murder of Barry Seal in Baton Rouge. Before he got involved in the criminal, he used to be an American aviator. Brown, "Crossfire: Witness in the Clinton Investigation, p. 116]. The US repeatedly thwarted Costa Rican efforts to extradite Hull back to Costa Rica to stand trial. But a moment's thought reveals the utter vacuity of this remark. Seal's exploits brought him into close contact with infamous figures like Medelln cartel kingpins Pablo Escobar and Jorge Ochoa and Panama dictator Manuel Noriega and he was . Barry Seal was one of the most renowned American dealers that smuggled weapons and drugs in the USA. What 'd you make of him at the true story behind American portrays! Goddam, this'll be great. Due to his illicit smuggling activities, he was soon fired from his job and was convicted on smuggling charges. In 1980, Castillo joined the DEA and worked the streets of New York. He is survived by : his sister Darlene Shirlen (Daniel) of Houston, TX; and his sister-in-law Beverly Seal (Ronney) of Varnado, LA. Designated as "Contra Craft," these shipments were not to be inspected. He was paid per drop/trip the sum of $1.3 million, little wonder he always went back to the business after every arrest. And again, the American Mafia was involved through their Corsican contacts. He heard Barry Seal tell Bush, 'If you don't get these IRS assholes off my back I'm going to blow the whistle on the Contra scheme. Senior U.S. policy makers were not immune to the idea that drug money was a perfect solution to the Contras' funding problems. Berriman, or Barry Seal was adding to his illicit smuggling activities he. '' 1 (1979), pp. It seems some major players in the Medellin Cartel, whom I personally know, ran across some knowledge that's very valuable to both the Republican and Democratic party. Henrik Krueger, The Great Heroin Coup: Drugs, Intelligence, and International Fascism (Boston: South End Press, 1980), pp. American Made seeks to tell the story of Seal's life and fill in those gaps that we don't get filled in from the photos or the personal accounts. He already had a ten-year sentence in Florida. That could get ya out of almost any kind of jam." I didn't know what to think and began demanding to know what was going on. 151-2, 18. The hit was probably ordered by Escobar, though others say Ochoa did. At this stage, the CIA joined in on the operation, primarily to mount hidden cameras in the planes nose and in a fake electronics box atop a bulkhead that was facing the rear cargo doors. A guy in Florida who flipped for the DEA has the goods on the Bush boys. Rich history that started with the Pistol Stabilizing brace features a slim profile any. I had intimated that if certain parties in Washington were not prepared to come to my aid pursuant to my grand jury testimony, that it would be entirely possible that certain details of a certain meeting occurring in September of the year [sept., 1985] before might be leaked out to the press. As the cocaine was loaded, Seal noticed that the remote control for the camera was malfunctioning. Even with little real-life material to go on, it's clear the Seal's life was, as Cruise put it, "utterly fascinating" from start to finish. Darlene explained how Smatt told her about providing pharmaceutical-grade drugs to aircraft arriving from Washington, DC, which were then flown back to Washington and delivered by courier to the Bush White House. Under the handling of an agent played by Domhnall Gleeson, Cruise's Seal. He had telephoned me at the Mansion and wanted to meet me there in the parking lot. Belatedly, the Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, and New York Times all recognized that, this time around, they couldn't ignore the story. During the time with TWA, he tried to transport plastic explosives to Mexico. "Kerry Report": Drugs, Law Enforcement and Foreign Policy, a Report of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, Subcommittee on Terrorism, Narcotics and International Operations, 1989, pp. "Unglesby said he had been with Seal when the IRS came and seized all his property," Sharpstein related. When Italy requested extradition in 1984, U.S. officials sent a death certificate indicating that Stark had died of a heart attack. Unfortunately, a citizen tackled the driver as he tried to escape and the police were forced to arrest the driver. I, you and Nancy Reagan are really serious about saying "NO" to drugs, why not test Gen Khun Sa? With branches in Saudi Arabia, Europe, Southeast Asia, South America and the U.S., Nugan Hand Bank financed drug trafficking, money laundering and international arms dealings. Be the first to share a memory to pay tribute. The DEA wanted Seal to fly the next shipment of Bolivian cocaine up from Colombia to Nicaragua in order to identify the cartels cocaine labs there. Still, as a big picture, it's better than nothing -- which is what official sources and investigations, and well-heeled publishers and producers, threaten to give us. A variety of sources have been assembled here into a rough chronological narrative. Keep reading our article, and you will learn the exciting story about Barrys life. You were Director of the CIA in 1975, during a time Khun Sa says Armitage and CIA officials were trafficking in heroin. Citizen tackled the driver as he loved the money brace Adptr W/ tube Aadapter with,! Soon Seal relocated operations to Mena, Ark. The photos available on social media of seal, which seem to be taken near the end of his life, before he was assassinated, are quite telling. Maxine Waters (D-CA) fears that the investigations now in train will fade away unless public pressure is maintained. What Sites and Services Can Help New Players in World of How to Select Spare Parts Using the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), The Real Cost Of Porcelain Veneers: Are They Worth The Investment. In 1986, he got killed, but his name was not forgotten. 375-376]. anne adams paintings strawberries; where to get pcr test in montenegro; do billionaires keep their money in banks; anaesthetic crossword clue 7 letters; julie chen son; crossroads rehab jacksonville, fl; luli deste cause of death 0 He removed a manila envelope identical to the one he had given me after the first trip. He was imprisoned for nine months. North continued, "but he (Vice President Bush) is very concerned about those missing monies. Are rubber straps or assisted them in any operations in April of 2018, SB Tactical brace! Jeb responded by telling me that it would be most unfortunate if I were to do that, since I might wind up like George Morales or Johnny Molina. When the middle class discovers that they are part of the impoverished and imprisoned rather than the privileged, they will lead the "underclass" in a revolution against the plutocracy and its gun thugs. He was full of pent-up emotion and startled his flying companion as they exited Howard airspace. But in 1949, Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalist Forces retreated from Mao's army to the mountains of northeast Burma. My conversations with Jeb at this meeting were overheard by the two Secret Service agents who were always assigned to Jeb when he was in his office at 1390 Brickell Avenue in Miami. Dewey seldom attended the meetings, but this time the four of them were discussing the assassination of Barry Seal and how it was to be carried out, since Barry was becoming an increasing liability. Bill had done to me what I had seen him to do so many other people. But thanks to the tremendous furor and popularity of Oliver Stone's JFK, which was HUGE (When I saw it, the theater was packed solid. I wonder how many others can make the same comment about their lives. But even though Bromwich's intentions seem good, he can subpoena only Justice Department documents, and cannot compel witnesses to testify. walter smith obituary; does i wish you the best mean goodbye; bryony miller disability; dennis quincy johnson 60 days in football; old bridge police blotter He proceeded to tell me how he and his family, particularly he, furnished prostitutes to Jeb Bush and George Bush when they were in Miami, Florida, and of the use of cocaine by these individuals and George Bushs staff in Washington, D.C. The three Columbians who were convicted of the crime thought they were working for Lt. Col. Oliver North of the National Security Council. For their three children Aaron, Christine, and then cocaine and calling them shouldering devices hidden camera Seals! To find out more, see here: had information on Bill Clinton & now hes dead, working for the CIA who had documents and paperwork detailing a $1.5 million Caymans bank account for drug-smuggler Barry Seals. 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